Time management in project management

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(Time management theories)
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== Time management theories ==
== Time management theories ==
'''Pickle jar theory'''
=== Pickle jar theory ===
Pickle jar theory is based on prioritizing your daily activities and responsibilities in a specific order. The pickle jar theory (also known as The bucket of rocks or the jar of life theory) was developed by Jeremy Wright in 2002 with the perception that time is limited[https://www.journalijdr.com/sites/default/files/issue-pdf/13705.pdf].  
Pickle jar theory is based on prioritizing your daily activities and responsibilities in a specific order. The pickle jar theory (also known as The bucket of rocks or the jar of life theory) was developed by Jeremy Wright in 2002 with the perception that time is limited[https://www.journalijdr.com/sites/default/files/issue-pdf/13705.pdf].  
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'''Parkinson's law'''
=== Parkinson's law ===
Studies (https://link.springer.com/article/10.3758/BF03210823)  shows that when given a task we tend to think of how much time is available to complete the task instead of how much is actually needed in order to complete the task.  
Studies (https://link.springer.com/article/10.3758/BF03210823)  shows that when given a task we tend to think of how much time is available to complete the task instead of how much is actually needed in order to complete the task.  
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'''Eisenhower matrix'''
=== Eisenhower matrix ===
The Eisenhower matrix also known as the urgent-important matrix or the time management matrix is a method that exploits the concept of importance and urgency to priorities tasks.   
The Eisenhower matrix also known as the urgent-important matrix or the time management matrix is a method that exploits the concept of importance and urgency to priorities tasks.   
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The illustration on figure XX shows each quadrant and how it’s divided.  
The illustration on figure XX shows each quadrant and how it’s divided.  
The golden quadrant to be in is when a task is important but not urgent. This also where you are proactive and not reactive as in contrast to the first quadrant (urgent and important).  
The golden quadrant to be in is when a task is important but not urgent. This also where you are proactive and not reactive as in contrast to the first quadrant (urgent and important).  
== Time management techniques for a project manager ==
== Time management techniques for a project manager ==

Revision as of 17:17, 9 April 2023



Time management is a critical skill for project managers, as it plays an important role in ensuring the success of projects. Time management is the process of planning how to allocate time effectively and efficiently to achieve specific goals. It involves identifying, prioritizing, and completing tasks, so it helps to maximize productivity and minimize stress. Some strategies for effective time management include setting clear goals, planning, avoiding distractions, allocating time blocks, delegating tasks, and adjusting your plan. Project managers should set clear and realistic goals for their projects and prioritize tasks based on their importance. They should create a project schedule and allocate time blocks for specific tasks, considering any potential challenges and unexpected events. Additionally, it's important to minimize distractions and avoid multitasking as it can negatively impact productivity.

Time management is a complex aspect of project management that impacts the success of projects. Project managers must balance multiple demands, competing priorities, and unexpected events while ensuring that resources are allocated effectively, and deadlines are met. Tools such as Pomodoro-technique, Eisenhower matric, planners, etc. will be presented to support effective time management.

In conclusion, time management in project management can be a challenging task as it requires balancing multiple tasks and responsibilities, dealing with unpredictable events, and managing effective collaboration and communication with team members. Project managers must be strategic, flexible, and proactive in their approach to time management to ensure the successful completion of projects.


As a project manager, you have the responsibility to follow and track your teammates progress, but more so you have the responsibility to track your own performance and complete big projects within the deadline and budget. This article focuses on how you can utilize/use your time efficiently and effectively. A few essential time management theories will be presented and how you can use them you utilize the available work time. The trick is not to overwork but use the available work hours to your best benefit.

“Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort” – Paul J. Meyer

Time management theories

Pickle jar theory

Pickle jar theory is based on prioritizing your daily activities and responsibilities in a specific order. The pickle jar theory (also known as The bucket of rocks or the jar of life theory) was developed by Jeremy Wright in 2002 with the perception that time is limited[1].

The pickle jar theory indicates similar to a jar, that time is limited. So instead of doing your daily activities in a random order, where you don’t differentiate between value-adding and non-value-adding activities. This can lead to the pickle jar being completely full before you have achieved any of the value-adding activities. To visualize this, imagine you have an empty pickle jar that represents the available time in a day and your daily activities consist of large rocks, pebbles, and sand. The large rocks represent the value-adding activities in your day, the pebbles represent necessary activities but not value-adding activities in a day and lastly, the sand represent non-value-adding activities such as scrolling on social media.

So, if you start your day by checking social media and you keep doing that until noon, your pickle jar will be filled with sand. Then you might check up on some emails, which correspond to pebbles. At the end of your workday when you start to do the important work tasks your pickle jar will be filled with sand and pebbles and leaves no room and space for the large and important rocks.

Parkinson's law

Studies (https://link.springer.com/article/10.3758/BF03210823) shows that when given a task we tend to think of how much time is available to complete the task instead of how much is actually needed in order to complete the task. This results in having a deadline that is way beyond what is needed and dragging the work out until right before it’s due. Some would call that procrastination, however it’s Parkinson’s law in action. Parkinson’s law resolves around the amount of delegated time we give to a given task. The law states that the amount of time needed to complete a task will increase according to the amount of time there is allocated. (https://asana.com/resources/parkinsons-law ) In practice this means if you have sat aside 4 hours to send an email, you surely will spend 4 hours to send the e-mail, although the task might require 10 minutes to complete.

In 1955 Cyril Northcote Parkinson wrote a book named “Parkinson’s law: The pursuit of progress”. In the book the author describes a woman whose task for the day is to send a single postcard. The woman spends the day to complete the task by dragging her activities out to fill the day. This is one of the extreme examples, but we have all been affected by the Parkinson’s law to some extent. Luckily there are steps and tools available to avoid the Parkinson’s law, these will be presented later in the article. (insert link to paragraph).

Eisenhower matrix

The Eisenhower matrix also known as the urgent-important matrix or the time management matrix is a method that exploits the concept of importance and urgency to priorities tasks. https://www.mindtools.com/al1e0k5/eisenhowers-urgentimportant-principle

The Eisenhower matrix has its roots from 1954 where former president Dwight D. Eisenhower acknowledges that he only had two kinds of problems “The urgent and the important. The urgent are not important, and the important are never urgent” (Dwight D. Eisenhower (August 19, 1954). Address at the Second Assembly of the World Council of Churches. Archived from the original on 2015-04-02. Evanston, Illinois. (Retrieved 31 March 2015.)

Later on the Eisenhower matrix was invented by the author to 7 habits of highly effective people. The matrix consist of four different quadrannts to help categorize the urgency and importance of the tasks at hand. The illustration on figure XX shows each quadrant and how it’s divided. The golden quadrant to be in is when a task is important but not urgent. This also where you are proactive and not reactive as in contrast to the first quadrant (urgent and important). https://asana.com/resources/eisenhower-matrix

Time management techniques for a project manager

The responsibility of effective time management as a project manager As a project manager you can have a lot on your plate and many activities you need to keep track of. Although there are many great tools that enhances effective time management, tools are not solely enough to succeed as great project manager.

A few steps is needed to transform the way you work and achieve the productive techniques that will differ you from any other project manager.

Productive techniques to transform the way you work

Clear your mind

Many of us have a lot of internal reminders set, these can include anything from project management related to having to buy new dental floss. The internal reminders create a lot of (white) noise and can clutter the mind very easily.

A trick to clear the mind is to create an inbox for all your internal reminders.

Take a piece of paper or a document on your tablet/laptop and name it “Inbox”. Now note all the reminders, questions and thoughts down.

These are all tasks you can’t handle right now but are still important to remember. By writing them down you remove the tasks from your “active memory” and free up space in your mind. This isn’t necessarily your to-do list, it is a mixture between to-dos and a memory list. The important part is that you note the future tasks down to focus on the current tasks you’re dealing with.

The inbox should be a place you use daily and is easily accessible for you to update the list daily.


Now that you have created an inbox and removed the clutter from your mind, you can go to the next step: batching. In the book Getting Things Done by David Allen he approaches time management at work as to transfer the clutter in your mind (now physically on paper) to a safe place. A safe place can be translated to a spot in an organized system.

Consider what you have written in your inbox. Are the items actionable? If an item is actionable, there are three things you can do (https://www.discoverbusiness.us/resources/time-management/#:~:text=Three%20theories%20about%20time%20and,Pareto%20principle%2C%20and%20Parkinson's%20Law. ):

  1. The two-minute rule: If the task takes less than two-minutes to complete, you should do it immediately, so it doesn’t take up space in the inbox and get in the way of important tasks.
  2. Delegate the action: If the task can be delegated to other colleagues to be finished.
  3. Defer the action: If the task can’t be completed within two-minutes

Remember to empty the inbox regularly. More text to conclude?

Bite size

Projects first given at hand can seem rather overwhelming and intimidating. It can be difficult to decide where to begin from, by bite sizing the project and breaking the whole project into smaller and more manageable parts it can lead to progress instead of procrastination.

Review and planning

Reviewing and planning are essential time management skills. To be able to set time aside every day and review what tasks have been accomplished and what is left to be done. Reviewing allows you to reflect on how well your current time management system is working and implement necessary changes for improvement. Reviewing the tasks that require your attention and learning and planning the most efficient way to accomplish them is a good way to develop your time management skills. The large project you broke down into smaller and manageable segments with the method bite sizing, now each segment needs to be planned in accordance with the timeline of the large project.

Planning the optimal order to approach each segment and ensuring completed segments can seamlessly transition into the following segment. This approach prevents starting a project stage only to realize that it relies on the completion of another stage that is scheduled for a later time. For monthly planning a tool such as a Gantt chart is of great use since dependent task can be included in the planning of different segments (internal link).

Daily review Get into the habit of reviewing your time management plan before starting the day. A daily review will allow you to make minor corrections before they become major issues. Reviewing the tasks from your weekly or monthly schedule will make you clear on which tasks you want to accomplish for the day, the most important tasks should be planned for completion as early as possible. Review your tasks during the day and adjust as needed to improve your time scheduling.

Before ending the day, review your plan and notice which tasks you accomplished for the day. You might learn that the time you allocated for a task was far more than the time you needed to complete the task. This insight gives you the opportunity to update the allocated time for your future and similar tasks in your weekly or monthly schedule.

Productive work environment

Until now we have been through the techniques and theories and if you still don’t see results from the time management theories and techniques it might be due to your work environment. Studies ( https://www.ics.uci.edu/~gmark/chi08-mark.pdf ) have shown that a typical office employee only gets 11 minutes between each interruption, and on average it takes 25 minutes to return to a task after an interruption. Therefore, it’s very important to find the main observe/acknowledge and then reduce interruptions.



Reducing interruptions

The silent killers of effective time management

  • Perfectonism
  • Procrastination
  • Multitasking
  • Working without breaks


Key points and summary

Personal tools
