System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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mwe-upwiz-campaign-conf-idFieldLabelPage (Talk)Page name with text for the ID field label. $1 is replaced with the language code:
mwe-upwiz-campaign-conf-idFieldMaxLength (Talk)Maximum length of the text in the ID field
mwe-upwiz-campaign-conf-licensesOwnWork (Talk)The licences that should be choosable for own-work:
mwe-upwiz-campaign-conf-ownWorkOption (Talk)How to handle own-work or not own-work:
mwe-upwiz-campaign-conf-skipTutorial (Talk)Skip the licensing tutorial
mwe-upwiz-campaign-conf-thanksLabelPage (Talk)Page containing text to display on top of the "Use" page. $1 is replaced with the language code:
mwe-upwiz-campaign-conf-tutorialHelpdeskCoords (Talk)Imagemap coordinates of the tutorial "helpdesk" button:
mwe-upwiz-campaign-conf-tutorialTemplate (Talk)Name of the tutorial on Wikimedia Commons. $1 is replaced with the language code:
mwe-upwiz-campaign-conf-tutorialWidth (Talk)The width to scale the tutorial to:
mwe-upwiz-campaign-enabled (Talk)Campaign enabled
mwe-upwiz-campaign-name (Talk)Campaign name:
mwe-upwiz-campaign-owner-choice (Talk)Allow the user to choose between own work and non-own work
mwe-upwiz-campaign-owner-notown (Talk)Only allow for non-own work uploads
mwe-upwiz-campaign-owner-own (Talk)Only allow for own work uploads
mwe-upwiz-campaigns-add (Talk)Add
mwe-upwiz-campaigns-addnew (Talk)Add a new campaign
mwe-upwiz-campaigns-confdel (Talk)Are you sure you want to delete this campaign?
mwe-upwiz-campaigns-confirm-delete (Talk)Are you sure you want to delete this campaign?
mwe-upwiz-campaigns-delete (Talk)Delete
mwe-upwiz-campaigns-delete-failed (Talk)Could not delete the campaign.
mwe-upwiz-campaigns-disabled (Talk)Disabled
mwe-upwiz-campaigns-edit (Talk)Edit
mwe-upwiz-campaigns-editing (Talk)Upload campaign configuration
mwe-upwiz-campaigns-enabled (Talk)Enabled
mwe-upwiz-campaigns-existing (Talk)Existing campaigns
mwe-upwiz-campaigns-name (Talk)Campaign name
mwe-upwiz-campaigns-namedoc (Talk)The name of the campaign is the identifier used in URLs. ie "name" in ?campaign=name
mwe-upwiz-campaigns-newname (Talk)Campaign name:
mwe-upwiz-campaigns-status (Talk)Status
mwe-upwiz-cancel (Talk)Cancel
mwe-upwiz-categories (Talk)Categories
mwe-upwiz-categories-add (Talk)Add
mwe-upwiz-category-remove (Talk)Remove this category
mwe-upwiz-code-unknown (Talk)Unknown language
mwe-upwiz-date-created (Talk)Date created
mwe-upwiz-deeds-custom-prompt (Talk)Or:
mwe-upwiz-deeds-macro-prompt (Talk)This site requires you to provide copyright information for {{PLURAL:$1|this work|these works}}, to make sure everyone can legally reuse {{PLURAL:$1|it|them}}.
mwe-upwiz-deeds-need-deed (Talk)Please explain where you got {{PLURAL:$1|this file|these files}} and how this site can use {{PLURAL:$1|it|them}}, by selecting one of the options.
mwe-upwiz-deeds-need-license (Talk)Please select a license.
mwe-upwiz-desc (Talk)Description
mwe-upwiz-desc-add-0 (Talk)add a description
mwe-upwiz-desc-add-n (Talk)add a description in another language
mwe-upwiz-details-error-count (Talk)There {{PLURAL:$1|is one error|are $1 errors}} with the {{PLURAL:$2|form|forms}} above. Correct the errors, and try submitting again.
mwe-upwiz-dialog-title (Talk)Files can be uploaded with names in any language in any script. Titles of media files should be meaningful and helpful in the language chosen.
mwe-upwiz-error-altitude (Talk)The altitude needs to be a number.
mwe-upwiz-error-bad-chars (Talk)This field contains symbols that are not allowed. Please do not use wikitext or HTML here.
mwe-upwiz-error-blank (Talk)This field is required.
mwe-upwiz-error-campaigndisabled (Talk)Campaign "$1" has not been enabled.
mwe-upwiz-error-date (Talk)Please enter a valid date in YYYY-MM-DD format, or pick a date from the popup calendar.
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