Value canvas

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Developed by Ali Abdul-Ghani - s184640



The “Value Canvas” is a business model tool developed by Alex Osterwalder. The model is created in addition to the existing “Business Model Canvas”. The Values Proposition Canvas (VPC) helps businesses visualize, design and test, how to create value for customers, by defining, the jobs they want to accomplish, the gains they desire, and the pains the wish to avoid. [1]

The Values Proposition Canvas is a pivotal element of business model canvas (BMC) and focus on two building blocks from the BMC. The Canvas is composed of two parts The “Costumer Profile” and the “Value map”. [1] The costumer profile is divided to three parts, that describes the jobs the costumers trying to get done, and the pains and gains. The value map lists the products and services the value propositions build on, by describing the way the products, services and features are pain relievers and how they eliminate, reduce, and minimize costumers’ concerns, and outline which way these are gain creators, by how they produce, increase, or maximize outcome and benefits, that the costumers desire. A “Fit” can be achieved when a clear connection between what matters to costumers and how products, services and features ease pain and create gains. The costumer profile might contain numerous jobs, gains and pain, however the value map highlights the most important ones. [1]

Values Proposition Canvas can be utilized in used by different business in all devolvement stage, to obtain a better understanding of their costumers needs and utilize the information to develop a better value proposition. Additionally, this tool can help enhance better communication between businesses and consumers, leading to better success.


Big Idea




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