When – the scientific secrets of perfect timing

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Written by Johannes Nicolás Wildfeuer

"When - The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing" is a book written by the US American Author Daniel H. Pink and was published on January 8th, 2019. It explores the concept of timing in various aspects of our lives, including work, education, and relationships, drawing on a wide range of scientific studies to offer insights into how timing affects our daily experiences. It can be seen that there are optimal times for various activities, such as when to schedule a meeting, when to take a break, and when to learn new information. Further, the book explores the broader cultural implications of timing, such as the way that work hours, school schedules, and social customs are shaped by historical and cultural factors. In conclusion, Daniel H. Pink provides readers with a compelling look at the science of timing and offers practical advice for how to use this knowledge to improve the quality of their lives.


Content of the book

- General information about the book (Chapters, Pages, how many books printed, editions etc.) - if there is space: Overview of the book's themes and arguments

The following chapters are written about the three main topics covered in the book: The Science of Timing, the Cultural and Societal Factors that Shape Our Experiences of Time and the Optimization of Our Schedules and Routines.

The Science of Timing

The Chronobiology and the biological basis of timing

It is explained how our internal clock is controlled by a main biological clock in the hypothalamus of our brain, which is responsible for coordinating the circadian rhythms that determine our daily life. These complex mechanisms are influenced and regulated by genes and proteins. If the biology behind individual daily rhythms can be understood, the routines and schedules of each individual can be adjusted to increase productivity and well-being. Sleep is also of particular importance, as it is a crucial component of our biological clock and thus has a significant impact on our health.

The Circadian rhythms

Another focus is on the circadian rhythms that govern our lives. The internal clocks of a human are synced to the 24-hour cycle of light and dark, and disruptions to this cycle can significantly impact for physical and mental health. Pink writes about the role of the hormone melatonin, which is responsible for regulating the sleep-wake cycles, and how light exposure can affect its production. Further, there is a phenomenon called "social jet lag," where our internal clocks become misaligned with our external schedules due to factors such as shift work or travel across time zones. By understanding the mechanisms of individual circadian rhythms, Pink argues, humans can make better choices about their sleep habits and optimize their performance during waking hours.

The Impact of light and dark on our internal clocks

Lightness and darkness have a significant influence on our internal clocks. Exposure to natural light can help regulate circadian rhythms, while exposure to artificial light at night can disrupt them. The rise of "blue light" from electronic devices can interfere with the production of melatonin and make it harder to fall asleep. Pink suggests strategies for managing light exposure, such as using "warm" rather than "cool" light bulbs in the evening and reducing screen time before bed. By taking steps to manage exposure to light and dark, an improvement in sleep quality and performance during waking hours can be seen.

The Cultural and Societal Factors that Shape Our Experiences of Time

The Historical roots of work hours and school

Internal biological clocks versus external cultural factors

Optimization of Our Schedules and Routines

Taking breaks and managing stress

Research has shown that taking regular breaks can improve a person's concentration, creativity and overall well-being. It refers to the concept of "ultradian rhythms", which can increase productivity through short work and increased break cycles throughout the day, and may also prevent burnout. Pink gives practical advice on stress management, such as mindfulness exercises, short walks and hobbies or other activities that a person enjoys. By building regular breaks and stress management into routines, people can work more efficiently and effectively.

Scheduling tasks

Peak and trough periods


Summing up the book's key insights

The importance of understanding the science of timing


Formating has to be adjusted.

When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing (Daniel H. Pink), ISBN: 1782119914, 9781782119913 https://youtu.be/zUhnzxrNpCc (Google Talk) https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/539546/when-the-scientific-secrets-of-perfect-timing-by-daniel-h-pink/ (General book information).

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