Scrum method

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In the early days of software development the usual waterfall method used for product development turned out to be inefficient and problematic for the development teams. As software development is different from other kinds of projects e.g. building a house, where every detail has been planned in advance, software oriented project can be constantly changing along with the needs of the customer. It is can be difficult and complicated to describe to a programmer which functions you want in a program and how they should work and more than often the outcome of the project does not satisfy the customers need. It was therefore necessary to come up with a new method more fitted to the ever changing environment of software development projects. The method developed is called Scrum and is an iterative agile software development framework. By being agile, Scrum ensures that everyone involved in the task know where the project stands, what tasks are left and status of the ongoing tasks. Scrum encourages the team to share knowledge and helping each other to finish the task as fast as possible i.e. Scrum is therefore focused on fast output of the tasks and to adapt to changes in demand from the client or market. The output of the project is therefore customized solution which fulfills all of the clients needs.








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