Talk:Bubble Diagram

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Revision as of 22:15, 25 November 2014 by Pppm student (Talk | contribs)

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I know that the articles is far from done and i am sorry for that.

The feedback i am most interested in is the following points:

  • The flow of the article - Should any part of the article be under other paragraphs?
    • Do that come in the right order? easy to read?
  • Is there any information that you wanted but you did not get

Furthermore I am thinking a new title as following?

The role of Bubble Charts in Portfolio Management

Article review by student:

  • Nice to read, easy to follow structure
  • Nicely done with links to external wiki pages
  • In the bubble chart figure; what do the axis names/units correspond to (you mention parts in the text, but maybe you could add this to the chart)?
  • This sentence: “Although this tool excels in visualizing the portfolio, upstream processes are needs as comprehensive data analysis of all the dimensions of data.” I think it contains interesting information, but I don’t understand it.
  • Nice introduction to portfolio management and link to the model part, but you start out by describing portfolio management and end up talking about PPM. Maybe it might be sensitive to separate those more and put a greater focus on PPM, as this is what you continue with in the next chapter.
  • The first few sentences of the ‘bubble chart/diagram’ repeat what you mention in the abstract. Might it be an idea to keep the abstract more generic and describe what it is used for rather then giving away to many details already?
  • Would the illustration fit better into the method chapter? Than you could relate directly to it or maybe show other examples?
  • This title: ” How can it be used and what are the effect (case study)” remember capital spelling (same for previous title) and effects got to be plural.
  • This sentence: “In this version the horizontal axis represents the total discounted value of the projects over a period of time (often 5-20 years) and is often referred to as NPV (Net Present Value).” It’s good that you explain NPVs, but what is discounted value?
  • This chapter: “How can it be used and what are the effect (case study)” Would it make sense to merge it with your conclusion. Some elements state the same and you don’t really elaborate on the “how can it be used part”.

Good work! (or well on the way since you mention its not done:-))

Comments from "Pppm student"

  • The flow and the order of the sections in the article are good.
  • The text is easy to read.
  • It would be nice with a better description of both the many versions of the BC and the different methods you mention in the article.
    • You can maybe use some more figures of the different versions to support the text in the section "Bubble Chart/Diagram".
  • If it is possible to find a simple example of the Bubble Chart "in use", it could make the article even more interesting.
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