Blake-Mouton Managerial Grid

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Leadership skills involve the ability to lead, guide, motivate and direct a project team. In project management the terms leader and manager are often interchanged and it requires elements of both to succeed in project management. The project manager plays a critical role of leading a team to achieve the objectives of a project. He provides the team with leadership, planning and coordination through communication. To understand leadership, it is vital to focus not only on the leader, but on the team as a whole. Leadership a productive field of study, with many theories reaching back decades. Thoughts on leadership and the ideal characteristics of a leader have evolved through time, but many of the thoughts have passed the test of time.

In the 1950’s and early 1960’s Robert Blake and Jane Mouton developed the Managerial Grid as it was the outcome of their research for Exxon, where they worked towards improved leader effectiveness. It was developed with influence from the work of Fleishman, using attitudinal dimensions rather than behavioural, like Fleishman used. Blake and Mouton were humanists and wanted to represent the benefits of Theories X and Y, the work of Douglas McGregor.

The Managerial Grid is a 9x9 matrix and it quantifies the degree to which the emphasis is on tasks and the emphasis is on the relationship with the subordinates, with Concern for Production as the x-axis of the matrix and Concern for People as the y-axis. Blake and Mouton labelled and characterised the extreme corners as well as the centre of the matrix. The Managerial Grid is a widely accepted as an important and critical analysis of the behaviour of a leader. Its simplicity captures vital truths about management styles and implications. The following consists of what is needed to know about the Managerial Grid, the application of it, how and when to use it as well as its limitations.

Big idea



Annotated bibliography

The following are the main resources used for the construction of this article, and can provide basis for further and deeper studies on the topic.

1. Blake, R, and Mouton, J. (1985). The Managerial Grid III: The Key to Leadership Excellence. Houston: Gulf Publishing Company.
This is the third edition of the book that Robert Blake and Jane Mouton wrote about the Managerial Grid. The book discusses the Grid in great details. It presents the Grid framework, the five different leadership styles and examinates the 9.9 orientation in great depth. The three additional leadership theories are discussed as well as how the Grid can be used to increase organizational effectiveness in a company. In addition, there is a conceptual analysis of current leadership theories as well as a research evaluating the validity of the 9.9 orientation.
2. Molloy, P. (1998). A Review of the Managerial Grid Model of Leadership and its Role as a Model of Leadership Culture. Aquarius Consulting.
This article provides a more critical perspective of the Managerial Grid, other than what is displayed in the original book, as might be expected as it is written by the developers of the Grid. The Grid is described in a pretty detailed way, but the main focus of the article is to show the Grid as a OD process and as a model of leadership culture. The Grid is tested, with the main focus being on the longitudinally on Grid OD as a process.
3. Blake, R, and Mouton, J. (1981). The Versatile Manager: The Grid Profile. Homewood, Ill. : R.D. Irwin.
This book is about the dilemma of managerial leadership, and it identifies behavioural principles that underlie organizational effectiveness and how to put them into use. It shows the Grid in detail, but it also describes in depth how important healthy communication is, especially with the subordinates. In addition, it deals with conflicts, confrontations and responsibilities, in a team setting and shared participation in general. Versatility refers to the capacity of a manager to solve a wide range of dilemmas, either regarding production or people, in a sound way.


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