Extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. What does the will to act depend on?

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Developed by Katarzyna Kukulowicz

Dear reviever, sorry for not having finnished the article, but I simply didn't have enought time.



Proper motivation is an important part of team management. Employee motivation is essential for a group to work effectively and for a project to be ended with success. Some of the employees are driven by intrinsic motives, such as recognition, internal satisfaction, or a sense of influence. Others are driven by extrinsic benefits, such as the desire to earn money or to be promoted. The level of motivation has a direct impact on the effectiveness of their work and, as a result, on the success of a project, which is why managers should be aware of how important this issue is. Motivated employees perform their duties to the best of their abilities, which leads to increased productivity and quality of the final product. In contrast, unmotivated employees put less or no effort into their work and produce low quality work. Researchers have analysed types of motivation over the years. The following paper will analyse and compare intrinsic and extrinsic motivation as factors influencing teamwork, project success and willingness to act. Possible motivation methods that managers can use as inspiration to create a strong, hard-working and valuable team will be presented. Extrinsic and intrinsic motivation will be discussed using examples of successful projects. One of the examples concerns the impressive work of the Dabbawallas from Mumbai, who consistently surprise with their performance despite not using modern theories or technology. Lastly, the limitations of the theory will be presented.


Over the last decades, much attention has been paid to the motivation of employees at the workplace, as it was identified as an important factor when it comes to the productivity and receiving the final outcome of the projects. Many frameworks, models and theories that focus on people motivation has been developed. They differ in some assumptions but one thing that they agree on is that we can distinguish extrinsic and intrinsic motivational factors. Motivation (from Latin motivus "moving" from motus "movement") - a state of readiness to undertake a particular action, aroused by a need, a set of psychological and physiological processes determining the basis of behaviour and its changes. An internal human state, having an attributive dimension. Motivation results from the interaction of both conscious and unconscious factors. Mastering motivation to enable sustained and deliberate action is crucial to achieving high levels of skill, e.g. in art, medicine, sport, science. [1]

Motivation theories

The most frequently cited models of motivation are Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and Herzberg's two-factor model. Both of them are widely accepted and researchers builds on the ideas presented in them. Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a motivational theory in psychology comprising a five-tier model of human needs, often depicted as hierarchical levels within a pyramid was presented for the first time in 1954. [2] From the bottom of the hierarchy upwards we can distinguish the following needs : physiological (food and clothing), safety (job security), love and belonging needs (friendship), esteem, and self-actualization. According to Maslow, each level of the pyramid needs to be fulfilled before someone could be motivated by higher level factors. Figure 1 is a graphical example of Maslow's model. Taking that into account it’s said that you wouldn't be able to motivate someone with positive feedback (an esteem factor) if their basic physiological needs aren't met. This is applicable in the workplace. If an employee is not paid enough to be able to feed their family, they won’t be really into engaging in new task and hearing they do a good job. They’d prefer to earn more to provide for the family and that’s what would be a motivating factor for them. [3]

The other model that will be described in this paper is Herzberg's two-factor model. Presented in 19xx popular Frederick Irving Herzberg's concept concerns why people feel satisfied at work. It can be leveraged to help the managers get the best performance from their team. The two factors identified by Herzberg are motivators and hygiene factors.

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Extrinsic motivation

Extrinsic motivation is motivation that comes from external things or factors, outside the person. It is reward-driven behaviour. As an example individuals can be motivated to work hard at the office because they are looking for a payment raise or promotion. Also fame, social recognition, extra money or helping people for praise from friends or family could be examples. It doesn’t come from a person, it’s completely external and dependent on ‘rewards’. This kind of motivation leads to doing the work to obtain some other goal that is apart from the work

Intrinsic motivation

Intrinsic motivation is completely different type of motivation that comes from within a person. It is a natural human tendency because people usually enjoy doing things that they find enjoyable and fascinating. This motivation comes from personal enjoyment and educational achievement that drives a person to do things. As an example musicians and people who love music are intrinsically motivated to practice their instrument. It helps them to reduce stress and relax. They would do it every day as they find it fulfilling. I’d risk to say that intrinsic motivation is crucial in every today's workplace. Many research show that this particular type of motivation is a key factor in performance and innovation. Employees are motivated in a internal way when they seek for satisfaction of curiosity, personal improvement, development or challenges. [4]


Analysing researches made on the interaction between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation we can observe an antagonism between them. When an extrinsic motivation for a task increases, intrinsic motivation will mostly decrease. Also a interesting phenomenon has been seen as the initial level of personal intrinsic motivation has an impact on subsequent levels of both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation when extrinsic motivation appears. It’s said that in general when extrinsic motivation is introduced then instantaneously the level of intrinsic motivation drops. But as mentioned before if a had a very high level of intrinsic motivation at the beginning then we can see a much smaller impact of extrinsic motivation on it. It’s very important to save employee’s intrinsic motivation at high level as it leads to higher engagement in work, better results, improvements and innovations. On the other hand intrinsic and extrinsic motivation can combine in a positive way. Intrinsic and extrinsic motivators aren’t completely separate systems where one (the extrinsic) must be taken care of before the other (the intrinsic) can become operative. It is more in the direction of where extrinsic motivation can, under some circumstances, complement intrinsic motivation. The research suggest that extrinsic motivation is most likely to combine synergistically with intrinsic motivation while the initial level of intrinsic motivation is concerned as high. Cite error: Closing </ref> missing for <ref> tag

Job Enlargement

Thanks to job enlargement employee gains the opportunity to remove boredom out of the work by engaging worker in doing different tasks than the ones he does on a daily basis. These tasks are connected with the work he’s been doing everyday but expands it by allowing him to have a broader view on the task. It can positively affect their perception of work, encourage to try new things and engage more in the whole process.

Job Enrichment

Job enrichment allows employee to receive more control and responsibility for the tasks they are pursuing, by taking over tasks and responsibilities previously belonging to their supervisor. They feel more important and needed.

Job Rotation

Job rotation is a practice mostly used in manufacturing industry where each employee learns several operations and is rotated through each in a particular period. It gives the opportunity for the worker to search for the job they find enjoyable. Job rotation is also an important factor when it comes to company learning. Thanks to job rotation, the firm can receive information on the quality of various positions, based on the observations of various workers, not only one.

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Many theories are focusing on motivation that would help to fulfil the unmet needs of employees. Firstly, it is important to indicate, that work life is not the only aspect of employee’s life, so organizational motivators won’t meet all of the employee’s needs. It’s essential that the worker has also stabilized life outside the workplace. It gives him the opportunity to focus at work on his job. What follows is that external motivation at work can cause that worker will start to think that nothing more really matters than professional satisfaction. It can have a serious negative impact on other aspects of their life as for example family life. Thus, proper motivation plays a huge role at a workplace, as it can impact other parts of worker’s life. [5]

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Examples of succesful motivation

In the following part some of a very iteresting examples of proper introduction of motivation will be shown.

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Annotated Bibliography

The annotated bibliography describes references used in this article that can serve for a better understanding and expansion of the topic.

To be expanded.


  1. "Wikipedia, motivation definition. https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motywacja."
  2. Dr. Saul McLeod, 2007, Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, https://www.simplypsychology.org/maslow.html
  4. Lisa Legault, 2016, Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation
  5. Alfred Sarkissian, Need-Based Motivation vs. Cognitive-Based Motivation
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