Mediating conflicts and controversy

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An important part of creating a good work environment at any workplace or group project is to ensure satisfactory working conditions for all members. A large part of that creation is establishing healthy and constructive communication between all parties. To enforce these standards mediation is a strong skill for any project manager to hone. Mediation can be applied in a number of ways, which will be covered in this article. Conflict and or controversy is nearly an unavoidable occurrence in any situation where people are forced to work together from different cultures and belief systems. In situations where conflicts occur it is important to handle the issue as effortlessly and swiftly as possible before any permanent problem occur. As conflicts and controversy in project work can for example have budgeting and derailing affects on projects. Being able to deal with conflict is important as well as implementing measures to prevent conflict from arising and affecting the project. The source of conflict can vary vastly.


Understanding Conflict in Project Management

The Role of a Mediator in Conflict Resolution

The Mediation Process

Best Practices for Mediating Conflicts in Project Management

Provide a set of ideal techniques for resolving disputes in project management Talk about how using these best practices can stop conflicts from developing or getting worse. Provide examples of real-world projects where these best practices have been successfully used.

Annotated bibliography


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