The implication of ethics in project management

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Created by Vinay Kumar Meena


Ethics is not a newly developed concept, it has developed over time. Ethics is the discipline of “how to do it best.” Ethical values are sets of standards that could ensure that decisions have taken with high standards. Project management involves decisions, some are small and seldom noticed, and others stand out. These decisions involve people, resources, and the environment. Additionally, there are times when these elements can create conflicts, posing difficulties and even potential risks in the project. Ethical values are vital to learning professionalism and facilitating the process of management and development in project management. This article will provide a holistic view of ethics in Project management, common ethical dilemmas in project management (proposed by PMI), and a decision-making framework to overcome these dilemmas.


Ethics in project management

Importance of ethics in project management

Ethical dilemmas in project management

Ethical standards in Project management

case studies



Personal tools
