Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)

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Developed by Mikkel Anderson

Customer expectations are generally the same nowadays, regardless of your business: they want a quality product and efficient service. Annual releases with a pre-defined feature set packed into compact discs and given to merchants are a thing of the past. Delivering client satisfaction at the necessary pace necessitates a streamlined software development lifecycle that saves time, effort, and money wherever possible. Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) are at the heart of modern software development, allowing businesses to deploy new, working features earlier and more frequently.

The concept's premises include why CI/CD is a must-have for modern day software development, what role CI/CD plays in project management with all its advantages. CI/CD is a crucial component of DevOps and any contemporary software development methodology. By boosting an organization's output, boosting efficiency, and optimizing workflows through integrated automation, testing, and collaboration, a purpose-built CI/CD platform maximizes development time. The CI/CD features can help in reducing the complexity of application development as they get bigger. Organizations may eliminate development silos (separation), let applications grow securely, and maximize the benefits of CI/CD by also implementing additional DevOps techniques like shifting left on security and tightening feedback loops. The concepts also include the core differences between Continuous Delivery and Continuous Deployment and lastly how to get started with CI/CD.

CI/CD is most definitely a must have in Agile Project Management and Scrum as it helps both the business side and the development side of the company to streamline software development and delivery.



Why is CI/CD important in modern day software development? Why is it important in Project management? How is CI/CD benefiting the organisation?

Overview of CI/CD

Differences between continuous integration, continuous deployment and continuous delivery [1]

CI/CD's role in SCRUM and DevOps.

Implementation of CI/CD

Github Actions [2]

Jenkins [3]

The different pipelines: [3] [2]



  1. [] Continuous integration vs. delivery vs. deployment (Visited 19/02/2023)
  2. 2.0 2.1 [] Github Actions (Visited 19/02/2023)
  3. 3.0 3.1 [] Jenkins (Visited 19/02/2023)
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