From apppm
Anna: Very nice topic and method you have chosen. I don't have a lot of comments as it seems that you are well within the requirements for the article and that you have already created a great structure including the application and limitations.
s150905, Review 1: Hi, the illustration of the method is really engaging and interesting for the subject
Formal aspects
- The article follow the right method’s structure.
- The few images used are very focused and understandable.
- There is a lack in blank spaces and paragraphs’ division in the section, which might help the reader.
- The introduction is very clear and illustrative.
- The topic clearly developed, underling the essential aspects in a precise way.
- The method description maybe seems sometimes a little much specific and the reader could find difficulties in following the parts depicted; but here the example you have made could act as a helper.
- Not all the references appear to be of high quality