Potentials of Key Performance Indicators

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The following article evolves around Key Performance Indicators (KPI) and their use within an organization or a project team. The purpose of the article is to briefly introduce the reader to the use of KPI’s and how to define them for given project, program or portfolio.

KPI’s is a management tool, which can be used independent of the project size and structure. KPI’s can be used in the different levels of Project, Program and Portfolio management and help to ensure quality. KPI’s are used to track the progress of certain goals or sub goals within a business plan. By using KPI’s the project manager can help ensuring the time schedule is kept, the expenses are regulated, and the customer satisfaction is improved e.g. This way the effects of different assessments can be monitored and compared to other projects running the same KPI’s. Benchmark analyses can thereby ensure quality of work and learnings can be gathered and shared with similar organizations, creating optimized workflows and services. KPI’s are also used as a communication tool in order to create transparency and insights in the overall progress of the project. Communicated correctly KPI’s can help motivate employees and keep stakeholders satisfied with the development of the project. KPI’s can be an easy way to get a quick overview of the current project status and review, what the upcoming challenges are to be. In order to choose the right indicators for a certain project it is necessary to have a clear scope of the business plan and its goals. By just adopting KPI’s uncritically from other organizations can result in analyses and benchmarks, which are not suiting for the current project. To realize the full potential of KPI’s it is important to have a clear idea of which assessments are to be measured and how. The optimal use for KPI’s can help improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization and its future projects. [1]



Key Performance Indicators (KPI) is a management tool, which is widely used in companies, organizations and other types of project teams. KPI’s are used to achieve a common goal and help the ever development of an organization. KPI’s are a set of measurements, which mainly purpose is to reflect upon and keep track of the progress towards a set of requirements. KPI’s can be used to track the progress and performance of programs, projects, and products e.g. This way the project team can make sure that their work is focused towards the goals set [2]. KPI’s often associated with the improvement of performance initiatives, because they can be used with other different project management tools in order to optimize workflows and routines.

The potential value of KPI’s

KPI’s works as a management mechanism, which can evolve around many aspects of a project, program or portfolio. By using KPI’s the project manager can keep track of the quality of the different workflows regarding a project e.g. [2]:

  • Quality of workflows and deliverables
  • Customer/client satisfaction
  • Efficiency & effectiveness
  • Costs
  • Time- and scheduling compliance
  • General employee well-being

Instead of just setting a goal for a specific target, which are to be required, and hope for it to be fulfilled, KPI’s are used to monitor the progress during the execution phase. This way the project manager can make sure, that the different projects, programs or portfolios are on schedule and on budget, by having the opportunity to measure and evaluate the current status.

Using KPI’s inside a project organization can potentially have multiple purposes in order to optimize and reach certain goals. KPI’s can help a project team by realizing and improving many different workflows. If used optimally KPI’s can be a tool to achieve e.g. [2]:

  • Transparency of the project for stakeholders and the team organization.
  • Increased production and productivity in services.
  • A clear and mutual set of expectations for the workflow and expected output.
  • An individual understanding of the organization and its general work.
  • Increased motivation for stakeholders and employees working towards a common goal.
  • A possibility for benchmarking and sharing of experiences with other similar companies or projects.
  • Feedback on the general process and workflows regarding the progress of the project.


Indicators are datasets, which are used to measure the performance of a certain project. In order to set up a KPI management tool, which can evaluate different progression aspects, indicators are needed as input. Indicators are the values needed for a comparison and evaluation of the current project status. This information is gathered through surveys or data generated from risk management tools or cost estimations etc. The amount and quality of indicators gathered for e.g. a benchmark analysis can variate and affect the outcome of the comparison. For example, the size of the information pool doesn’t directly correlate with the quality of the output, so the gathering of indicators must be thoroughly structured in order to achieve the best possible outcome for the project organization; as indicators works as the foundation of the measurements.

Indicators are information gathered in the past, which are describing the project or assessments in retrospect. The use of indicators is defined as ‘’lagging’’, because future aspects are not taken into consideration. Contrary to indicators, future measurements or predictions are called prognosticators, which evaluates different possible outcomes. These are widely used in risk management [3]. Indicators a categorized in two different types:

Quantitative indicators
“Objective” measures, which does not take feelings and subjective opinions into consideration. Mostly consisting of larger pools of information, which often is based on numeric values from e.g. cost expenses.
Qualitive indicators
“Subjective” measures, which is based on personal opinions and are affected by feelings. Qualitive indicators are often gathered throughout surveys to measure e.g. employee satisfaction.

If other organizations are running the same KPI’s, the project manager has the opportunity to benchmark their progress and performance with similar projects. It requires that both projects are measuring the same indicators, so a comparison is possible. This can indicate if the project is on the right track and which possible actions are to be done further on. This is collaboration method creates a relationship between two projects, which can benefit from each other and mutual learnings can be shared.

Communication of KPI’s

Dashboards can be used to display the KPI's of a project or organization e.g. to get a quick overview of the current status. Source: Own creation.

Indicators vary from project to project and must reflect the desired outcome. The amount of rotten fruit delivered to a supermarket can be a key performance indicator for the supplier to monitor their overall service performance – quantity indicator; where the customer satisfaction, when buying the fruit, can be a source of feedback for the supermarket – quality indicator.

When identifying indicators, it is important to the project team to have a well-structured and predefined business plan, which works as foundation for the creation of KPI’s. The KPI’s must reflect these requirements and be understandable, meaningful, and measurable[3]. KPI’s are not only a tool to make sure that the project is on track compared to a business plan or other projects; it is also a form of communication. By communicating the workflow of KPI’s correctly the project manager can improve employee insight and create motivation in the project involvement. Using KPI’s to create a more transparent project process can help the work of stakeholder management e.g. by keeping them assure and satisfied with the overall progress.

The communication of the KPI’s is a key-factor in realizing their full potential. KPI’s can also show negative results and that can create an uncertainty and insecurity, if not communicated properly. KPI’s not showing a positive result does not necessarily have to affect the organization negatively but can be used as a driver for work improvements. The form of communicating the KPI’s is therefore essential to the desired outcome of their use.

Defining KPI’s

When defining KPI’s for a certain organization, the measures that are to be found, must reflect the core business objectives of the project. To achieve the best outcome the indicators must be chosen in order to fulfill the requirements of the common goal for the project. There are certain steps to work with, when defining the specific KPI’s to fit the business plan[4]:

Desired outcome
This is the overall goal for the project to fulfill. For example, the goal could be “to increase the yearly revenue by 10%”. The desired outcome is not the outcome of the use of KPI’s, but the specific target of the business plan.
Matter of outcome
This is why the desired outcome is important to the organization. There must lie a reason behind every step of a business plan and the matter of the outcome are to define the scope of the action. For example, by increasing the yearly revenue by 10% “the company will grow economically and additionally will be able to achieve higher quality of services for the costumers”.
Progress measure
In order to realize the goal a measure is needed to track the progress. This step is closely linked to identifying indicators by getting an interpretation of the process development. If the goal was to increase the yearly revenue by 10%, a progress measure could be to track the sale development monthly in dollars earned e.g.
Influence of outcome
The influence of outcome describes which actions that are taken towards realizing the goal set. To achieve an optimization in an organization’s business plan it requires a certain set of assessments working towards the end goal. These actions must help improving the efficiency of workflows or the business model. For example, a new communication- and promotion strategy could be applied to the services offered in order to achieve an increased revenue.
Responsibility of outcome
The task of improving the yearly revenue must have a person, which is responsible for the outcome to satisfy the requirements set. This can be the project manager, but also the CEO or the financial manager can be put in charge of the responsibility. The task of this person is to make sure that the project is realized in the end. This does not necessarily mean that they are in charge of controlling or leading the project.
Achieving the outcome
When the actions of the business plan have been carried out, the organization needs to define a set of measurements, which can tell if the goal was achieved. This works as an if-statement, so if certain requirements are fulfilled, then the project has achieved its goal. For example, if the yearly revenue has gone up by 10% in the end of the project time, then the goal has been realized.
Progress review
Progress review is an interval-based review process of the progress measures, to make sure that the business plan is followed. For example, the organization can have a weekly or monthly compliance meeting with the project progress in focus.

Defining the project workflow

A project manager can get a clear overview of which KPI’s to realize within a project by defining the processes, inputs, outputs, constraints, mechanisms and feedbacks. Here follows an example of the different aspects. Inspired from “Environmental Management Systems”[5]

These focus points, mentioned above, are to be taken into consideration, when creating the KPI’s suited for a specific project, program or portfolio. When setting up KPI’s and indicators it is important to have a clear overview of the different processes regarding the project.

To obtain a structured view of the different aspects and deliverables of a project, a method can be to define the processes, inputs, outputs, constraints, mechanisms and feedbacks. KPI’s can be based on the definition of the process system of a certain project, if a clear overview is made from the start.

The process is the primarily activity of the project, which tells what the exact function of a project is. This is the scope of the project, program or portfolio e.g., which are to be carried out. In order for the process to work it need various inputs. Inputs are essential for the process to function and works as the foundation of the process. Throughout the process, inputs are transformed into outputs, which is the concrete outcome of the process. The output is the intentional desired gains or benefits from the process. For the process to function certain mechanisms are taking into use. These are the physical aspects of the process, which are to make the process run – people, tools e.g. The process is also controlled or constrained by different factors, which limits the process. This can be physical or administrative limitations e.g. lack of manpower or limited supplies. The entire model from input to output can be monitored and evaluated throughout feedback. This workflow represents the value proposition of the process and how it meets with the requirements of the work.

When having defined these six parameters for an upcoming project, the project manager has a simplified overview of the project structure. This way he can scout, which aspects of the project are key essentials to the forthcoming workflows. Now the project manager can decide on, which processes should be monitored throughout KPI’s and what criteria they should measure upon.

This is one method to work towards defining the right KPI’s of a project or organization. There are numerus approaches and ways of defining KPI’s and there is no solution which is an “one size fits all”.

Limitations and challenges


”Center for Lean”, Howbiz Management Consulting. Management tool to achieve structured strategy and ensure constantly improvement of main focus areas.'

“Klipfolio”, Key Performance Indicator (KPI) – measure of performance against key business objectives.

”Performance Indicator”, Carol Taylor Fitz-Gibbon (1990), Performance indicators, BERA Dialogues (2), ISBN 978-1-85359-092-4.

”The Standard for Program Management”, The Standard for Program Management — Fourth Edition (2017-10-01). PMI standards. Project Management Institute. ISBN 9781628253931.

”Environmental Management Systems”, Gilbert Dr. (2004), Processes, Inputs, Outputs, Constraints and Mechanisms. Faculty Development and Instructional Design Center, Northern Illinois University.


  1. The Standard for Program Management — Fourth Edition (2017-10-01). PMI standards. Project Management Institute. ISBN 9781628253931.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Howbiz Management Consulting. Management tool to achieve structured strategy and ensure constantly improvement of main focus areas. Retrieved 21. February 2019 from [1]
  3. 3.0 3.1 Carol Taylor Fitz-Gibbon (1990), "Performance indicators", BERA Dialogues (2), ISBN 978-1-85359-092-4. Retrieved 21. February 2019 from [2]
  4. Klipfolio. Key Performance Indicator (KPI) – measure of performance against key business objectives. Retrieved 21. February 2019 from [3]
  5. Gilbert Dr. (2004), "Processes, Inputs, Outputs, Constraints and Mechanisms". Faculty Development and Instructional Design Center, Northern Illinois University. Retrieved 21. February 2019 from [4]
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