Talk:Analyzing the failure of the DaimlerChrysler merger from a project management perspective

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Feedback - Char


CONTENT ASPECTS The perspective of subject group (ISO 21500:2012)

  • The section could start with a little longer and deeper explanation of the ISO standard, in order create a better understanding of what the ISO 21500 standard is and what it actually is doing. I can see that you are focused on the subject groups, but a general explanation of the whole ISO standard would be beneficial. One again you are right, I will add it
  • You are writing that the ISO split the method into 39 processes and later are grouped into five processes, depending of the perspective. This should be explained. What do you mean with perspective? Which perspectives? How is the appropriate process selected relative to the perspective? Etc. Yes, it may not be clear... I will improve it and add a table.

DaimlerChrysler merger project The genesis of the project.

  • “The table shows the complementary of the two companies, which seems to make them a perfect matching set” This needs an explanation. The table does not show explicit why the two companies is a perfect match.

All right, I will change it to make it more clear The project characteristics

The mismanagement of some subject groups

  • This section describes what went wrong in the four subject groups: the integration, time, communication and stakeholder. What would you rather have done? Write advice and suggestions in relation to the theory. I added some lines about it within the paragraphs


  • The cultural table creates a good overview and understanding of the different culture in Germany and USA.


  • Interest and power-matrix. Describe why this it important, what it helps with and how you make one. I provided a Power-Matrix, thanks.
  • Have a figure of the Interest and power-matrix Done :)
  • Are there only three stakeholders related to the merge? Employees, Clients, Stockholders? Explain why you have focus on them and who the other stakeholders are. [[No, there are not the only one. I cannot provide examples about all of them. (I think 3 examples explaining why the Stakeholder process was mismanaged are enough BUT I will explain why I choose these three and who are the others in the Power-Interest Matrix.]]

Discussion section

  • A discussion section should be added, where you discus the advantages and disadvantages of the ISO standard, since you are concluding in the conclusion that the standard is useful to analyze a project management. You could also do a discussion on how to perform a successful merge. I totally agree, I will add it. It makes sense

Thanks a lot for these usefull advices

from johnjohn


  • The abstract should according to Christian be called a summary.
  • Overall I think it is a really interesting topic and the structure and language of the article is well-organized and well-written.
  • It is very interesting to have a concrete example analyzed throughout the article and you d a fine job making it interesting all the way.
  • I however miss a discussion section and a "sum up of important learnings" from this example. Based on this analysis what should other companies do in future mergers? How can we learn from it? I suggest this to be brief and in a bullet format. You could also include benefits and challenges from using the ISO-standard. You are totally right, I will add it.


Comments for each section


  • Good summary stating the interesting aspects of this analysis.
  • I felt intrigued to read more.
  • Could you reference to the term “merger of equal” I am not aware of what context this expression comes from? Relvant, I will add a reference


  • I like this because it is precise, and gives a good introduction.
  • I like that you pose a question: But how to practically apply ISO 21500 to a project? But I miss the fact that you actively adress this later in a discussion or in sum up of best practice. I will add a discussion at the end of the article
  • I miss that you in this section state your approach of how you have structured your article? You mention later that you have 3 parts, could you clarify this?


Perspectives of subject groups:

DaimlerCHrysler merger project:

  • I like that you use a tables to give an overview.

The mismanagement of some subject groups:


  • Could you introduce why you have chosen these stakeholders?
  • As mentioned could a comparison of the stakeholders described be displayed visually.

I agree for both of these comments about the stakeholders.

Thank you for your help. It really helps me.

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