Effective teams with Belbin

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The English psychologist Meredith Belbin has developed a team role concept called the Belbin Team Role Inventory, which is made to optimize and balance teamwork. In a well-balanced team, it is possible to weigh out the group's weaknesses and exploit the group's full potential. Belbin's team roles are composed and developed to create high-performing teams. Through years of human behavior studies, Belbin has found a link that explains how people cooperate and used it to find nine team roles who should be present in teams to ensure efficiency and quality [7]. During the years after Belbin’s team role analysis was revealed, multiple studies have been made for validity and reliability. Stephen Swailes has examined the team roles in two different studies attempting to provide an assessment of construct validity considering the conflicting evidence so far produced. Swailes found that the model is relatively valid despite indications of weak discriminant validity among some of the team roles [5].


Introducing Belbin’s team roles

Application and use

The Belbin structure and team roles

High performance teams

Team members and cooperation

Limitation and validationt

Annotated bibliography

Personal tools
