Project Success and Project Management Success

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Written by Magnus Stjernborg Koch - s175189

There are major benefits in evaluting, and learning from past projects going forward to new projects. The evaluation can be performed on various ways, however something that is always on the agenda is determining the success of how the project was managed and the outcome of the project.

The project success and project management success does not have an exact definition, however are key ter

This article will give an understanding of how to determine the project success [1] [2] [3] [4]


Determining project success

What is project success

Success criterias and factors for project success

Reflecting on present major projects

Determining project management sucess

What is project management success

Success criterias and factors for project management success

Reflecting on present major projects

Difference between project success and project management success

A short conclusion on above


When and how can determining the success of the project and project management be used by project managers and organizations

Reflectition and evaluation of projects can improve the overall performance of future execution of projects


Limits to determining the success

Limits in terms of using the tool

References/Annotated bibliography

  1. Shokri-ghasabeh, Morteza; Kavousi-chabok, Kamyar, Generic Project Success and Project Management Success Criteria and Factors: Literature Review and Survey, 2014,
  2. BY Venczel, T. B; Berényi, L; Hriczó, K, IN Journal of Physics: Conference Series — 2021, Volume 1935, Issue 1, pp. 012005,
  3. BY Radujković, Mladen; Sjekavica, Mariela, IN Procedia Engineering — 2017, Volume 196, pp. 607-615
  4. BY Smyrk, John R.; Zwikael, Ofer, IN Project Management — 2019, pp. 153-185
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