Stress Management

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New Title: Managing acute stress in the workplace.

Stress Management - "Stress management is a wide spectrum of techniques and psychotherapies aimed at controlling a person's level of stress, especially chronic stress, usually for the purpose of and for the motive of improving everyday functioning."

Table of Contents:

  • Big idea: describe the tool, concept, or theory and explain its purpose. The section should reflect the current state of the art on the topic.
    • Internal and external causes, symptoms, and effects of stress within a project team and/or workplace.
    • Methods and techniques used to manage short-term stress.
  • Application: provide guidance on how to use the tool, concept, or theory and when it is applicable
  • Limitations: critically reflect on the tool/concept/theory. When possible, substantiate your claims with literature
  • Annotated bibliography: Provide key references (3-10), where the reader can find additional information on the subject.



According to The American Institute of Stress, work is the greatest source of stress within individuals, with 94% of American workers reporting having experienced work-related stress on a regular basis [1] [2]. In recent decades, the research performed on stress has intensified. Stress Management entails many different methods and techniques designed to alter self-behavior in order to better manage stress. There are three main types of stress: Individual, Organizational, and Societal. For the purpose of this article, we will focus on Individual stress, as this is most prominent within project groups and workplaces [3].

Chronic stress which is also known as long-term stress is not something that can be fixed overnight or even within a few days. Long-term stress is usually caused by chronic illnesses, traumatic events, and/or poor financial situations. It usually requires taking serious measures, consulting a psychologist, and sadly is hard to manage consistently [4]. Acute stress, on the other hand, which is also known as short-term stress, is characterized by behavioral symptoms that are affected by factors within a short period of time [5]. In other words, if proper techniques and methods are used, the causes and symptoms of acute stress can be properly managed. The issue is that, as mentioned before, the workplace is the largest source of stress within individuals. It is far too common for stress in the workplace to persistently reoccur, which can then have long-term effects. Acute stress can produce several physical and psychological symptoms for members of a team within a project's lifetime. These symptoms can severely affect their ability to work effectively as well as affect their colleagues [6]. The increasing drive to support individuals who suffer from stress-related issues is a clear sign of how important it is for project managers to address acute stress issues within their teams.

The purpose of this article is to provide a detailed explanation of the different internal and external causes of short-term (acute) stress in a project team, as well as describe the current methods and techniques used to manage short-term stress as an individual within a project team.

What is Stress?

Stress is defined by the Mental Health Organization as "...the feeling of being overwhelmed or unable to cope with mental or emotional pressure" [7]. While focusing on individual stress, there are two different causes; internal and external causes. Internal causes of stress, such as overthinking and low self-esteem, come from within individuals and are said to be the most common cause of stress [8]. External factors such as issues with colleagues, poor working environment, and pressure from managers, can also play a large role in increasing stress especially during projects. These internal and external factors cause individuals to possibly have a wide range of symptoms including headaches, insomnia, and anxiety. The symptoms that individuals experience, much like Covid-19, can be very different from person to person. For example, men and women usually experience a different range of symptoms during a stressful period. Understanding the reoccurring symptoms during stressful periods is the first step in Stress Management. Methods and techniques for managing individual stress will be discussed later in the report. Below is a table outlining examples of internal and external causes as well as the symptoms and effects they have. Notice again, there is a large variation in symptoms as it highly depends on the individual as well as the situation that individual is in.

Individual Stress - Causes, Symptoms, and Effects on Work
Causes Individual Symptoms Effect on work
  • Overthinking
  • Inability to accept project uncertainty
  • Low self-esteem
  • Unrealistic expectations
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • Being Reactive
  • Physical
    • Headache
    • Exhaustion
    • Insomnia
    • Muscle pain and/or body aches
    • Dizziness
    • Stomach problems
    • Decreased or Increased appetite
    • Elevated heartbeat
    • High blood pressure
  • Psychological
    • Emotional
    • Depression
    • Anxiety
    • Pessimism
    • Decrease in cognitive abilities
    • Mind-wandering
    • Loss of self (not knowing who you are)
  • Decrease in work performance
  • Unproductive/lazy work habits
  • Distracted from work
  • Demotivated for work
  • Lack of confidence in work
  • Decrease desire to communicate with colleagues
  • Aggressive behavior towards colleagues
  • Lower tolerance of frustration and impatience
  • Over-worked / Heavy workload
  • Long hours
  • Unrealistic deadlines
  • Pressure from higher management
  • Boring / Unmotivating tasks
  • Job insecurity
  • Insufficient skill for tasks
  • Poor relationship with colleagues/manager
  • Poor management
  • Poor project structure
  • Harassment
  • Discrimination
  • Lack of resources/equipment
  • Lack of support from colleagues/manager

Overall, stress is not healthy for any individual and can cause an unproductive and poor working environment in a project setting.

Stress Management in a project team

Although some stress at work and in projects is to be expected, it is part of a project manager's job to manage and support stress amongst team members. The two primary stress management techniques for a project manager are first, managing their own stress and secondly, understanding their team members. These two techniques should be performed before attempting any others as they lay the backbone for stress management in a project team.

  • Managing your own stress
  • Understand team members

A project manager's first task is to be able to manage their own stress. Team leaders play a huge role in the mood and mentality of their team members. How can the team members achieve stress equilibrium if their leader cannot do it themselves first? [9] This is part of the reason a project manager requires excellent technical and managerial skills as well as strong intrapersonal skills. Having strong intrapersonal skills allows individuals to manage and cope with emotional and stressful periods without affecting the people around them in negative ways.

The next step is for a project manager to understand signs of stress within their team members which requires being intently involved in their work life. This includes knowing the member's personalities, workloads, and behaviors in stressful situations.

There are many techniques and principles managers can follow in order to better manage the stress levels of their team members with the end objective of creating a happy and productive work environment. Based on several research articles, below are some of the most common and effective techniques for stress management in a project team:

  • Evenly distribute the workload
  • Discourage multi-tasking
  • Encourage transparency
  • Establish a trusting environment
  • Mandate time off
  • Encourage empathy and compassion
  • Offer support and resources


  1. [42 Worrying Workplace Stress Statistics],experiencing%20stress%20at%20their%20workplace.&text=According%20to%20Wrike's%20United%20States,of%20stress%20were%20unreasonably%20high.
  2. [Copying with stress at work.]
  3. [Stress Management in Research Papers]
  4. [Long-term Stress Management]
  5. [Acute Stress Reaction.],after%20an%20unexpected%20life%20crisis.
  6. [Stress Management and Innovation Interventions at Work]
  7. [Stress | Mental Health Foundation],with%20mental%20or%20emotional%20pressure.
  8. [A Guide to Stress - First Psychology UK]
  9. [How Leaders Can Help Their Teams Manage Stress in the New Year]
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