Lippitt-Knoster Complex Change Management

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The purpose of this wiki article is to give an overview of the Lippitt-Knoster tool for complex change management, and how this relates to project management. When considering project management, one must also consider that projects are led by people, and that most projects are influenced by some sort of change, whether it being a change in deadline, budget, resources, etc. Thus when working with project management, the project manager must consider the effect of changes and thereby change management. In short, when project management and change management are integrated there is a larger change of success [1].

This paper will include a walk-through of the Lippitt-Knoster model and the different aspects included and considered in the model. The the paper will consider the usability of the model and how the model can be used in practice, both prior, during and after a project has been completed. Thus, considering if the model can be used to improve further change initiatives and enhance governance in future projects.

Lastly the article will also include aspects of limitations, in regard to the conflict areas, when looking at the model from a theoretical perspective vs. a practice perspective. As Project management and change management are different management diciplines, what are the challenges with them being integrated. Furthermore, the limitations in regard to organisational setup and industry will also be considered when talking about the model and how project management is included, since these aspects have large influence working with both change management and project management.


Big idea

Lippitt-Knoster model for complex change management.
Lippitt-Knoster Model.

- why project management and change manager are intertwined? - When and what makes a project fail? internal and external uncertainties

- management of people Working with project management, the project manager must be aware of the people included and influenced by the project.

Change management vs. project management


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During a project period, It is common that changes occur. This can be in regard to people, resources, timing, budget, etc. For this reason, it is important to account for the effects these changes has on the project and the project team, why change management is an important factor to consider when doing project and in project management.

A change manager uses strategies that focus on individual achievement and change adaptation. A project manager uses processes that focus on meeting benchmarks and achieving clearly defined objectives.

The Model

The Lippitt-Knoster model, as can be seen in the visual to the right, consist of five different aspects to consider, when working with and planning for change. The areas are Vision, Skills, Incentives, Resources and Action Plan, and they are outlining the required elements for successful change, and the possible conflict outcomes, of they are not considered.





Action Plan


By integrating CM and PM, it can increase support for the project and reduce resistance.


- How can the model be used? -Why should it be used?


As framework for planning change and projects

During project

-If and when problems/delays/issues occur - can it be shown why?

Post-project review

- How did the project end? - Why / why not was it a succes?


As change mangement and project management is different dicisplines in theory, one does not function in practice without the other.

Theory vs. practice


  1. Prosci, 2012/2020. Best Practices In Change Management
  2. John Hayes, 2010. The theory and practice of change management
  3. Hughes, Dwivedi, Simintiras and Rana, 2016. Success and Failure of IS/IT Projects. A State of the Art Analysis and Future Directions
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