High Performing Teams (HPT)

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High-performing teams are critical to the success of organizations in today's fast-paced and competitive business environment. They are characterized by high levels of collaboration, clear and shared goals, effective communication, and a positive and supportive culture (Katzenbach & Smith, 1993). Research has shown that high-performing teams lead to improved employee engagement, increased productivity and efficiency, and higher levels of innovation (Hackman, 2002). To build a high-performing team, it is important to focus on creating an environment that supports collaboration and encourages open and honest communication. This can be achieved through a variety of techniques, including regular team-building activities, clear goal setting, and a strong emphasis on feedback and continuous improvement (Tuckman, 1965).

One of the key elements of a high-performing team is a shared vision and clear goals. Teams must understand what they are working towards and why it is important, in order to stay motivated and focused. This requires regular communication and collaboration between team members to ensure that everyone is aligned and working towards the same objectives (Katzenbach & Smith, 1993). In addition, a positive and supportive team culture is essential for high performance (Lencioni, 2002). This can be achieved through a focus on mutual respect, trust, and collaboration. Teams should strive to create an environment where individuals feel valued and empowered, and where they are encouraged to share their ideas and contributions (Katzenbach & Smith, 1993).

In conclusion, high-performing teams are a crucial component of organizational success, and require a combination of clear goals, effective communication, and a supportive culture (Lencioni, 2002). By focusing on these key elements, organizations can build teams that are capable of delivering outstanding results and driving business success (Katzenbach & Smith, 1993). This article will look into the characteristics of high performing teams and try to identify how project managers can incoperate the necessary information to create and produce high performing temas at the workplace.

Big Idea

Nowadays, a well‑organized group plays a key role in the organization’s development process. It can be said that creating a group is an easy process because there is only few employees, who will work together professionally, are needed. However, it is not as easy as it seems to be, because such a group should meet a number of factors that will shape it. Here i will explain them in more detail, but the factors are sortly identified under. reference for this is https://www.wydawnictwo-siz.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Trendy-w-zarz%C4%85dzaniu-przedsi%C4%99biorstwem.pdf#page=125

  • Team member competencies
  • Skill, process, tools and techniques
  • communication
  • value system
  • shared vision, purpose, goal direction
  • organizational value

The literature provides numerous methods for defining the essential features of High-Performance Teams. It is important to highlight some of these approaches and acknowledge that there are many more available. Research should not be confined to a single approach when creating such teams because there is no universal formula or perspective that is uniquely appropriate and efficient. High-performance teams exhibit varying characteristics depending on the people and the environments in which they function, so it is crucial to consider multiple approaches.

Also going to talk about the importance of the leader of picking the high performance team:

  • In every High-Performance Team, it is crucial to have suitable leaders who can effectively manage team members, provide motivation, and aid in problem-solving. Additionally, leaders in High-Performance Teams must cultivate trust with team members and assist individuals in discovering their growth opportunities.

Characteristics of high performance teams

In this section i will try to identify the most important characteristics of high performance teams by looking into different articles and see which once that are beeing repeeted by different authors and articles.

The literature provides numerous methods for defining the essential features of High-Performance Teams. It is important to highlight some of these approaches and acknowledge that there are many more available. Research should not be confined to a single approach when creating such teams because there is no universal formula or perspective that is uniquely appropriate and efficient. High-performance teams exhibit varying characteristics depending on the people and the environments in which they function, so it is crucial to consider multiple approaches. Many of them beeing the same as mentioned in the "big idea section"

Different characteristics have been used to describe high-performance teams. Despite varying approaches to describing high-performance teams there is a set of common characteristics that are recognised to lead to success [1]

  • Participative leadership – using a Leadership#Leadership styles|democratic leadership style that involves and engages team members
  • Effective decision-making – using a blend of rational and intuitive Decision making|decision making methods, depending on that nature of the decision task
  • Open and clear communication – ensuring that the team mutually constructs shared meaning, using effective communication methods and channels
  • Valued diversity – valuing a diversity of experience and background in team, contributing to a diversity of viewpoints, leading to better decision making and solutions
  • Mutual trust – trusting in other team members and trusting in the team as an entity
  • Managing conflict – dealing with conflict openly and transparently and not allowing grudges to build up and destroy team morale
  • Clear goals – goals that are developed using SMART criteria; also each goal must have personal meaning and resonance for each team member, building commitment and engagement
  • Defined roles and responsibilities – each team member understands what they must do (and what they must not do) to demonstrate their commitment to the team and to support team success
  • Coordinative relationship – the bonds between the team members allow them to seamlessly coordinate their work to achieve both efficiency and effectiveness
  • Positive atmosphere – an overall team culture that is open, transparent, positive, future-focused and able to deliver success

Application of high performance teams in project management

This part the article focuses on how theory about high performance teamwork fit the PPPM scene. Although high performing teams are relevant for PPPs, I will from now on focus on their relevance for project and project management. It is hard to provide a step-by-step guide to project managers on how to implement knowledge about high performing teams directly in your project. Anyway, I will in this section try to inplement the presented data and information and connect it to project management and try to see how project management can be guided in a way to better produce high performace teams. Topics to include:

  • The leader of high performance teams
  • The selection of high performance teams
  • Controlling high performance teams
  • Making teams trustworthy and independent
  • etc

Discussion and limitation

This section is yet to write and discuss. But topics to include in this section can be

  • the relevance of the information/data
  • Is the information enough
  • Is the topic researched enough
  • etc

Annotated bibliography


This is the once i have found and planning on using or now. https://www.wydawnictwo-siz.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Trendy-w-zarz%C4%85dzaniu-przedsi%C4%99biorstwem.pdf#page=125




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