Need-Based Theories of Motivation
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To have a motivated workforce, managers must determine which needs employees are trying to satisfy in an organisation.
Need Theories
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
In 1943 psychologist Abraham Maslow proposed a theory
It argues that there are five stages of human needs that motivate our behaviour.
Alderfer's ERG Theory
Clayton Alderfer observed that individual needs differ according to circumstances. They do not need to move in an order of progression.
McClelland's Need Theory
Herzberg's Motivation-Hygiene Theory
Annotated bibliography
For at få succes med et projekt, er det vigtigt, at man som projektmanager forstår/har for øje, hvordan man motivere sine kollegaer, således at er de er glade og derfor arbejder hårdere mod målet. Der findes forskellige teorier, der beskriver de behov, man som menneske har for at have det godt og derfor være motiverert. I denne artikel beskrives de teorier og hvordan disse udfordrer hinanden. Herudover vil der gås i dybden med, hvilke teknikker man kan bruge for at motivere. Til sidst beskrives de begrænsninger, der mp være ved brug af dette.
It is well-known that the human has some needs. As a manager you have to take this in mind to keep the employeers satisfied and motivated. This articel will look at how the different need-based theories has developed and how those challenge each other. In the end the application and limitations are described.