Negotiating successfully

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Negotiation is a complex interaction between two or more individuals. Having a good set of negotiation skills is most central to a project manager both in day-to-day activities amongst the team members of the project and when interacting with project stakeholders. It is a common misconception that negotiations take place across a table, bargaining ... but every human interaction entails negotiation to a certain degree. The negotiation skills of the project manager can be said to go beyond achieving the wanted output as the project manager often need to maintain a positive relationship with the counterpart since the success of the project partly is a subjective evaluation off the stakeholders involved. Consequently, accomplishing mutually acceptable solutions is important to the project manager. The ability to negotiate is a vital prerequisite when striving towards success and so the object of this article will be to provide recommendations to project managers wanting to improve his or hers negotiation skills.

Confrontation is common occurrence in negotiation but often best avoided as the project will come to an end and as a project manager you may need to maintain good business relationships for later projects. In order to lead a successful negotiation it is important to have high aspirations and fight hard for your case, but with expectations firmly grounded in reality because the proposal may not seem as good as assumed to the opponent. The successful negotiator has a high degree of self-awareness. Having a good set of arguments is not sufficient to accomplish what you want from a negotiation. Always be well prepared, have an understanding of the opponents priorities, and intellectually manage any emotions surfacing as the negotiation plays out. Furthermore, the best way to uncover any hidden agendas the counterpart may have is by building a trusting relationship during the negotiation. This is done through listening to what your opponents interests are and by noticing nonverbal communication. Should the negotiation head towards an impasse you may have to reject the offer and apply the Best Alternative to negotiated Agreement (BATNA).


Types of negotiation

Every negotiator want to get as much of the goods being discussed as they can. However, a successful project manager is aware of the fact that there is a broader spectrum of things that matter such as the stability and durability of the agreement. Aiming towards keeping a good relationship with the project stakeholders ensures similar deal with the stakeholder at a later point in time. As project manager you set the tone for communication both within the team and to external stakeholders. Thus, project managers should have a real interest in creating a successful negotiation and try to maximize benefits for both parties of the negotiation.

Negotiation theory differentiates between two main types of negotiation. Win-win negotiating is all about maintaining a satisfied opponent whilst achieving the desired output. It requires both parties to endure flexible thinking and mutual respect for each others needs.

Mistrust breeds mistrust and openness inspires openness. In building good relationships you have to make people trust you. If you employ unpleasant types of negotiation strategies your stakeholders will evidently choose to do business with someone else.

In a scenario where the project manager can assume never to engage with the person again distributive bargaining, also known as the win-lose negotiation, can be applied. These techniques can provide great short-term benefits but may ruin your reputation as a project manager.

Negotiation strategy

In order to achieve the best possible output, you should never walk into a negotiation unprepared. A solid communication plan will lay the foundation for success and help you accomplish an effective negotiation. The amount of preparation needed is proportional to the significance of the deal and the stakeholder being addressed. Know what you would like to communicate to the opponent and remember that too much information can be as ineffective as saying too little.

The first thing you should do is to clarify your goal. Negotiators with a clear goal consistently outperform those without one.

Do research on the product or service you are purchasing. When in a negotiation with a vendor, where the goal is to set a price for a good or service, most research suggests that you can strike a better deal if you are the one who comes up with the first offer. Don't meet their demands too quickly, by raising the stakes too much at a time. When negotiating a price point/ financial matter you should prepare by calculating your reservation value, the lowest valued price your willing to accept. If the opponent cant accept your reservation value, you should implement the pre-explored outside alternative, the BATNA.

Being well informed on the project subject matter will create a strong foundation of confidence as well as it keeps the opponent on their toes. It will also keep your stress level in check.

Educate yourself on the other party of the negotiation so you can capitalize on their strengths?

Many negotiators develop a negotiation pattern so if you know you are dealing with an experienced negotiator you may find it helpful to talk to business associates for clues on how to deal with the person in question.

Don't appear weak by not knowing the details of the topic being discussed as your opponent may sense this and start bluffing. Many negotiators will exploit your lack of knowledge and try to make you feel uncertain about your case.

When experiencing a frustrating/difficult counterpart it is beneficial to use more time before reaching an agreement. Allow for breaks in from the discussion to release tension and... Time pressure often leads to quick judgement, which can cause both parties to walk away with a less than optimal deal.

Effective negotiators are able to both capture and create value in a negotiation. Most negotiations involve multiple issues, which forces the negotiators to be creative and make trade-offs. Both parties can strike a better deal by trading across the issues of the discussion. This is known as logrolling and it requires you to have a clear vision of your own as well as the opponents preferences. These trading elements should be kept in the forefront of your mind throughout the discussion, but are most efficiently used towards the end, when you want to close the deal.

If a potential vendor is not willing to reduce their price point you should consider other sorts of perks that the vendor may be able to offer such as additional services. Sometimes, when engaging with a hard negotiator who negotiate in a self-serving manner the best solution may be to start looking for other strategic options out there. Improve your alternatives by engaging other stakeholders.


You should always be aware of a viable second option should the negotiation fall short. The Best Alternative To A Negotiated Agreement, BATNA, is the fallback solution you apply if your reservation offer is not met. Having thought this through in advance will protect you from making the wrong choice and walking away with a suboptimal solution. Having a strong BATNA will also give you raise your level confidence throughout the discussion.

To create your BATNA, begin by listening outside alternatives. Brainstorm the viable options which can meet your intent and at the same time please the relevant stakeholders. Evaluate each option and calculate the value of pursuing it. Then chose the most attractive solution and establish the BATNA. Implement the BATNA if the negotiation is headed towards impasse. Having a strong BATNA will increase your negotiation power so it is important to take active steps to better your BATNA if you feel it is weak.

Sophisticated negotiators do not only think through their own BATNA, they will also have thought about what the opponent might do without the proposed deal. Although harder to asses, it will give you an understanding of their trigger points, negotiation power and what they can obtain without your proposal.

Closing the deal

Achieving the desired output relies on the negotiators ability to recognize that all obtainable goals have been reached and it is time to finalize the process. Pay attention to what the opponent signals through their body language. Be patient. Negotiation is about ... and the ability to foresee the other party's next moves.

Effective Communication

An open communication amongst the project team members will result in higher team efficiency and as project manager it is important to have an understanding of communication style of your business associates and stakeholders in order to maintain an open dialog.

Active listening

Negotiation is about changing someone’s mind, but you cant change their mind if you don't know where that mind is. By listening to what the opponent has to say you build trust and you also make it more likely to that they will listen to you. If your not sufficiently empathic and your listening style is interruptive it will shine through.

Ask open-ended questions like why, as opposed to being assertive and assume you know what they want. Don’t be afraid to ask. Pay attention to nonverbal communication in order to detect hidden messages. Many people are under the influence that if you want to be persuading you need to be talking, but in reality you .... Learn what matters to the opponent.

Don't be afraid to ask the other party what they mean if in doubt. Responding sensibly to what they are saying signals that you take them serious and that you are not following a routine.

Managing emotions

Managing emotions and relationships are the most important parts of being a successful negotiator over an extended period of time. Don’t underestimate the role emotions have in a negotiation as it can have a critical impact on the outcome of the argument. This includes both your own emotions as well as the emotions of your counterpart. It is important to be empathic and understand what the opponents interests are and what is important to them at a fundamental level. A smart negotiator is at all times aware of the emotions that are present during the discussion and addresses these emotions in an intelligent way.

Dealing with your own emotions

If you are able to identify what your emotional triggers may be in advance they are less likely to let it affect your negotiation decisions. Anger is one of the most destructive emotions in a negotiation. In trying to save face both parties can loose sight of their goal and become irrational. Try to separate the person from the argument. Should the rage distract you from the task at hand, the best solution is to propose a brake to release tension. If the anger is directed at the subject of discussion, and not towards the person on the other side of the table, it can come across as conviction and passion, which can sway the opponent to accept your terms.

When dealing with important stakeholders one feel a bit anxious. To have some anxiety is constructive as it can help you concentrate but too much will make you more recipient to poor advice. In order to deal with anxiety, make sure to prepare well in advance and alleviate the stress through relaxation.

The problem of projection. Projecting your own interests and desires on to your counterpart. You presume they share your interests and believes. Sometimes we may have negative thoughts which we start assuming are shared with others. Feelings are related to thoughts and perception so if

Conflict may arise as the opponent don't respond the intended way to your communication style. If thats the case you may benefit from sharing the emotions you are experiencing.

A common mistake in negotiation is to over-attribute intentionality. When experiencing discomfort in an argument due to comments from the opponent, which hurts or upsets, a common mistake is to assume that the person who caused the discomfort meant it. This causes us to retaliate, creating a downwards spiral of conflict. Trying to hold back from assuming your opponent deliberately tries to upset you will be beneficial.

In order to maintain lasting relationship you should not blame the other party if you didn't achieve the output you wanted.

Your opponents emotions

Prior to a negotiation your counterpart will have some expectation as to what sort of deal they will get. By creating a trusting bond with the stakeholder during the negotiation, he or she will feel as though your decisions are less risky and thus more acceptable. The opponents willingness to create trade-offs relies on an expectation that their own trade-offs will be met.

Tips: mirroring the person you are communicating with. This builds trust and creates a connection. If the person is

Entering the negotiation with a positive attitude will increase the likelihood of a positive outcome. Generally, people are more cooperative and less likely to apply an aggressive bargain technique, when in a good mood. If you suspect your opponent is otherwise, try to identify the source of these negative feelings. A good strategy can be to start off by making light conversation and asking open ended questions about their day. In that way you can minimize the impact the feelings may have on their judgement. The emotions of the opponent may have nothing to do with you but if they are the most effective and low cost way off restoring the relationship is by offering an apology.

When dealing with a difficult counterpart who seems to prefer competition over collaboration, it is common to categorize the opponent as irrational but few people in professional environments are. Before walking away from the negotiation, try to identify why the opponent is acting the way they are. Understand what external constrains they might have and what stakeholders they are answering to. Calling out irrational behavior can cause the opponent to lose self-esteem, which can trigger anger or embarrassment leading to an increasingly competitive behavior. Allow more time to pass as you negotiate and try to identify hidden constrains. This could be a tight budget, fear of walking away from the negotiation with too little or commitments to other on going projects. Many people are also sensitive as some people are self-conscious about the way they are being perceived in the workplace and may be conducting a hard bargain technique to save face. He or she may have an idea of who they want to be as a business negotiator and want to establish/maintain a reputation by taking a firm stand/holding out on your proposals.

Nonverbal communication

Strong negotiators master both verbal and nonverbal communication. Typically, we are much less conscious of nonverbal messages than what we are actually saying, and yet, the nonverbal communication represents two thirds of the message which is communicated. Consequently, the project manager will benefit from having conscious knowledge of the things being said through visual cues. The nonverbal communication covers everything we say we say without the use of words but through tone of voice, gestures, paralanguage, body language and so on.

In order to successfully negotiate you should be aware of the nonverbal messages you emit as it can be a powerful tool if you learn to master it. You can use your body language to convey confidence or honesty, thus forming the type of relationship you wish to have with the person you discussing with. As the negotiation becomes heated your body may response with a tense body language. Pay attention to what caused you what made you tense, and take a brake. The opposing negotiator will be aware of your body language either way and if you are not careful they may leverage their position from what they interpret causing you to walk away with less than initially planned.

Things to be aware of

Arm movement. Pay attention to your hands and try to keep them in a neutral position. Restless arm movement will make you appear less confident.

Eye contact. Avoiding eye contact signals unease or signal that you are hiding something. Look the other person in the eye when talking as it signals confidence and enthusiasm. However, too much eye contact may make you appear aggressive and intimidating so keep in mind that it is natural to look away occasionally, like when processing new information.

Personal space. Face the other party in the discussion to convey interest and respect their persons personal space. Too little personal space will appear intimidating.

Influencing the opponents beliefs. You can affect the opponents satisfaction with the negotiation by influencing their expectations to what they will get through the use of nonverbal communications. If your reaction to a proposal is cooperative and you smile and nod along to their information, you will raise your counterparts expectations. If you're not prepared to meet the demands they conveyed the negotiation will end in excessive disappointment. Conversely, if you meet an offer with a surprised look and squint eyes, possibly even laugh at their proposal, you can lower their expectations and...

Premature celebration. Don't appear too satisfied with the outcome of the negotiation, as this may signal to the opponent that they could have struck a better deal.


1 A Guide To The Project Management Body Of Knowledge (Fifth edition)

2 Dealing with difficult people, Harvard law school

3 (pdf)

4 Gower Handbook of Management Skills (Dorothy M. Stewart, 1998, third edition)

5;jsessionid=F7F79762F25A4C3C02BFAC1842E854F5.f04t01?v=1&t=jducngb5&s=b4583d8061d7959bb733c14b1366990a0d338aa9 (pdf)

6 Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In (Penguin, 1991, second edition)

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