The Role of Program Management in an Organisational Change

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Organisations generally understand that they need to embrace change in order to remain competitive and achieve strategic goals. However, many struggle to manage all aspects of the change process missing key components as smooth implementation and solid support throughout. To become a master in managing your change management program is a key factor to the success of your organisational change. The simple fact is change have both negative and positive effects in any organisation. Managed poorly, the process creates major problems for the culture and people. Managed well, it provides the platform for growth and success.

Abstract:Organisational change is a huge alteration for any company and can be a dawning task if not managed properly. An organisational change usually consist of a wide range of related change projects and other activities, which align with the overall strategic goal for the future of the company. Program management is a great method to cope with an organisational change, as it consist of a toolbox that evaluate each potential change project. Program management will support managers by providing overview, efficient execution of projects, project alignment, evaluated risks, stakeholder map and create the highest amount of benefits. All which point toward a more effective and efficient change management process. This article focus on how an organisation can manage their change projects through a change management program. Research papers and best practice regarding change management and the book “Change Management in Theory and Practice” will form the bases of the change management approach. In addition, program management methods and tools will structure the approach, guarding the overall change process.


Program Management

Tools and Methods

Change Management

Application of Program Management



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