Extrinsic Motivation

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In my article im going to focus on extrinsic motivation. The content will not be focusing on working or project environments, but still is going to give a general overview about the mechanics. Therefore it will still cover application related details and describe the pro and contra's especially in comparison to intrinsic alternatives.

1. Summary: provides a brief overview about extrinsic motivation.
2. Historic overview and evolution: General and historical overview including survey done and historical application as well as public known application like grading in school or rewards/bonus payments at work.
3. Big Idea: description of the underlying mechanics including psychological pint of view.
4. Concept and application: application and use cases.
5. Limitation and alternatives: limitations of extrinsic motivation, "dangers" and alternative forms like intrinsic motivation.
6. Annotated bibliography.

Some key references I found during my research and plan on using for the creation of my article are (these resources might change):
1. Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences; ISBN 9783-3192-4612-3
2. Successful Management by Motivation: Balancing Intrinsic and Extrinsic Incentives; ISSN 1758-6887
3. Motivational synergy: Toward new conceptualizations of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in the workplace; ISSN 1053-4822

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