Pro-active: Risk and Opportunity Management

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Pro-active risk and opportunity management considers risk and opportunity events in a project with the purpose of mitigating the risk and enhance the opportunities before they occur. Risk events occur from uncertainties within a project whereas negative outcome is a risk for the project but positive outcomes can become opportunities for the stakeholders of the project.

A process/model to gain risk control for a pro-active risk and opportunity management is first identifying risks then assess the risks and last treat the risks which result in risk control. There is a fouth step to the process giving after treatment the risk management will be reviewed for analysing the success rate of the risk response/treatment.

Risk as deffinition is proberbility P times the impact I giving the formula: R=P\cdot I

Identify risks

The identification of risks has the purpose to determine if risk events occur whether they are positive or negative for the project. [1]

Assess risks

The assessment of risks

Treat risks

The treatment considering the risks


  1. Geraldi, Joana and Thuesen, Christian and Stingl, Verena and Oehmen, Josef (2017) How to DO Projects? A Nordic Flavour to Managing Projects Version 1.0, Publisher: Dansk Standard
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