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Robust decision-making (RDM), is a new and innovative methodology in the science of decision support. When decision-makers have to make long-term decisions they're often called upon to anticipate future needs, resources and circumstances. The problem is that decisions made on predictions are less reliable the farther the prediction reach forward in time, as time entails the prediction to become more vulnerable to uncertainty. This uncertainty could e.g. be unforeseen economic crashes terrorism attacks, political instability, climate change, chains of actions or reactions leading to more possible outcomes than a single prediction can handle. RDM uses computer simulations and advanced modelling techniques to stress-test strategies not only against one predicted future but against thousands or millions of possible futures[1]. Thus the RDM framework is used for decision making under deep uncertainty (DMDU) [2]. The main purpose of RDM is not to make a better prediction but through its concepts and processes to contribute with knowledge for the decision-maker to be able to design more robust strategies, that perform no matter what the future holds. By using RDM the decision-maker can make a plan for the future without having to predict it.


Big idea

describe the tool, concept or theory and explain its purpose. The section should reflect the current state of the art on the topic


provide guidance on how to use the tool, concept or theory and when it is applicable


critically reflect on the tool/concept/theory. When possible, substantiate your claims with literature

Annotated bibliography

Provide key references (3-10), where a reader can find additional information on the subject.

https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-05252-2_2 - Decision Making Under Deep Uncertainty: From Theory to Practice

https://findit.dtu.dk/en/catalog/2281533929 - 7.2.1 Robust Decision Making

https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007%2F978-1-4419-1153-7_1140 - Deep Uncertainty

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