Talk:Risk Quantification

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Revision as of 15:48, 18 September 2017 by S122906 (Talk | contribs)

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Feedback on Abstract:

Text clarity The text sounds comprehensible and coherent
Language OK
Description of the tool/theory/concept No description of any specific tool/theory/concept
Purpose explanation Is there but not clear for the reader, try to reformulate by explaining the intention of the article
Title of the Wiki Too broad, probably need to be rethinking in order to reflect the content of the Article


The abstract does not describe any particular method(s), in the case that the intention is to compare different methods that quantify risk the purpose and intention of the article should be expressed better in the abstract and at list the methods considered for the comparison.

Probably the title is initially too broad and need to be renamed in order to match the content of the article.

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