Talk:Theory of Constraint

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Revision as of 18:53, 22 September 2015 by Gusru (Talk | contribs)

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Josef: Jane, I like the idea. Make sure to stick to the structure we propose for "methods" articles. I am looking forward to reading about the application of TOC in project management!

Reviewer 3, s121408

  • This article was accessed the 22/09/2015 15:51
  • The amount of words is limited: around 1800, but I have the impression you are working to improve it.
  • Constraint table 1. Missing
  • Wrong referencing such as (REF6, p 649) and
  • No figures well attached.
  • Language misspelling:
    • “TOC in very process”
    • I believe it is Six Sigma and not “Sex Sigma”
  • I would suggest more simple syntax to enhance the reading flow. For instance, sentences like this: “The rope is a signal generated by the constraint indicating that some CTs have been consumed which triggers the start for new CTs to be processed in the flow.” are a bit confusing for me.
  • Everything is well documented but I do not clearly see the personal contribution of the author to the topic.
  • It emphasizes on the TOC tool but the portfolio/program/project management perspective is not enough developed from my point of view. For example I would like to know how the TOC would affect the decision-making step at the portfolio management level. How TOC could be used for a project benefit analysis… I have seem and attempt to relate TOC to project management in: Extension of the TOC for Project Management but it is resulting hard for me to understand. I think that some more concrete examples could help to the reader.
  • In general I think it is a great job of documentation, but the coherence, order and flow of the sentences need improvements.
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