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This special page shows all uploaded files. When filtered by user, only files where that user uploaded the most recent version of the file are shown.

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descDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
13:29, 25 February 2023Implementation.png (file)344 KBHelenasoes (Implementation approach of concurrent engineering in a project management context)1
13:21, 25 February 2023AspectsofCE.png (file)52 KBHelenasoes (Visual representation of what aspects must be put in place in order for a concurrent engineering approach to be successful.)1
13:18, 25 February 2023Key aspects of CE.png (file)52 KBHelenasoes (A visual representation of what aspects must be put in place in order for a concurrent engineering approach to be successful.)3
21:41, 11 February 2023Time reduction.png (file)85 KBHelenasoes (A visual representation of the time reduction the implementation of CE comes with compared to SE.)1
21:40, 11 February 2023OverTheWall.png (file)196 KBHelenasoes (SE: First when finishing one task is it sent to next department/phase. There is very limited communication across the "walls" meaning the different departments will get detached along the way with the project. The consequence of this is that if a mista...)1
21:35, 11 February 2023Changes v project time.png (file)59 KBHelenasoes (The figure shows when changes are made in both the sequential and the concurrent engineering approach. Here it is seen that changes are made in the early stages of the project for CE, while for SE they are made in the later phases, where there is a gre...)1

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