Talk:Creativity as a Practice in Projects

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Answer to reviews is written in this italic bold'


Review by NobodyKnows

I have gone through the wiki article and the review will be based from a chapter overview and finally an overall review. There are only comments if a section is shown below.


  • Very nice introduction!

Advantages and Disadvantages

  • Very nice describing into multiple levels.

Advantages at team level

  • A reference for the summary would be nice for checking copy&paste.

Will be added'

Advantages at organizational level

  • A reference for the summary would be nice for checking copy&paste.

Will be added'


  • A reference for the summary would be nice for checking copy&paste.

Will be added'

  • Please specify if the same disadvantages applies for the team and organisational level ?

Makes sense to have booth team and organizational level disadvantages as well, I will look into it.'

Creativity in project

  • A more detailed description of the figures would be appreciated.

I will figure something out - it was a test so far, but I will improve!'

    • maybe come up with an example.

Working on it'

Specific methods

  • Nice and very readable.
  • Maybe specify if this is also ways for implementing creativity in projects

I agree, I need to discuss more about implementation'

    • Come up with examples or advices for this.

Will be added '

Overall review

  • It is very hard to check references, due to lack of information.

Will be added'

    • Please add more information to the references.

Will be added'

  • Some references are listed multiple times.

I dont know how to make more references without adding to the reference list, but will figure it out.'

  • Very nice written, but there could be added more to the article.

I agree, its also not done yet'

  • Consider controversial points implementing this.

This is one of the very interesting aspects'

  • Can you come up with other methods that promote this form of creativity - maybe design thinking?

There is a lot of methods, I only described the not so well known, but I will include a list of everything as well.'

JEPO Review


  • Abstract is missing - A short recall of the topic, methods and results.

I talked with Josef, and he doesn't think we should make this. Only an introduction.'

  • Maybe a readjustment of the headings? Introduction has several sub headings which maybe is a bit confusing.

Well spotted. Will be changed'

  • Eventually ad a section about creativity in general and narrow it down to Creativity in organisations before discussing the advantages and disadvantages: Creativity definition, Creativity can be use in ...

Good point - will do that, and change also according to previous comment'

  • I miss something about how it is hard to force creativity

That is certainly an interesting point, that could and should be added'

  • Methods to increase creativity in a team or organisation: Workshops, Exercises, ect.

Yes, I should make a list'

  • How the working environment(office layout) or working processes are important element to increase creativity

also good point'

  • Eventually Best Practice of a creative work space (fx. Google, apple and other )

Yes, as NobodyKnows also mentioned, I need more examples'


  • good introduction

Advantages and Disadvantages

advantage at organizational level

  • "...requires a high level of creativity" but how is that an advantage. Maybe turn around and transform it to a argument, that with a creative working process it is possible to generate ideas in order to react on rapid changes"

Creativity in Project

  • A bit general - still missing a little bit of how to generate the ideas of the diagram.

I will elaborate'

  • Like the methods - but they are more like mind set, then actual methods

True, I will change'

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