Virtual project management

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Virtual program management (VPM) is management of a project done by a virtual team, though it rarely may refer to a project implementing a virtual environment It is noted that managing a virtual project is fundamentally different from managing traditional projects, combining concerns of telecommuting and global collaboration (culture, timezones, language). [1][2]

Virtual team - this is a geographically distributed group of employees working on the same project or in one company. The emergence of virtual teams has been made possible thanks to the development of Internet technologies for communication and collaboration. The first and most well-known projects that use virtual teams, were software development projects with open source software.

Virtual team is an alternative to the traditional form of business organization, which is characterized by the presence of a physical office. However, in practice, more common is the mixed model, in which the company has a physical office, is used to solve most of the problems of remote workers, outsourcing or freelancing.


  1. Velagapudi, Mridula. "Why You Cannot Avoid Virtual Project Management 2012 Onwards" April 13, 2012
  2. Global Knowledge."Virtual Project Management (course)".
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