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Benefits register

Benefits register is a document that collects and lists the planned benefits from a program. It is a very useful artefact for a program manager because the success or failure of a program is determined primarily by the benefits that were planned and actually delivered. The benefits register is created during the benefits identification stage of program management (PMI) and subsequently updated and refined. It is used for measurement and communication. The benefits register should contain the following.

  • A list of the planned benefits
  • Key Performance Indicators (KPI) that will tell if the benefits have been realized
  • Thresholds (eg. “What is the minimum expectation in regard to a certain benefit?)
  • Method of measuring the benefit (eg. Finanical measures for financial benefits. Can be more complex for intangble benefits like “team well-being")
  • Mapping of planned benefits to program components (which components are responsible for realising a benefit?)
  • Status or progress indicator (how far is the realization of the benefit?)
  • Milestones for benefit achievement
  • Stakeholders responsible for benefit delivery

Benefits realization plan

A Benefits Realization Plan is created during the benefits analysis and planning phase of program management (PMI). The benefits realization plan formally documents the activities necessary to achieve the program’s planned benefits. The plan should achieve the following purposes:

  • Define the benefits and how they will be achieved
  • Link the component outputs clearly to the program outcomes
  • Define the metrics for measuring the benefits
  • Define the roles and responsibilities for benefits management
  • Define how the benefits will be transitioned and sustained (who will receive them and how will they be sustained?)
  • Establish a process to monitor the extent to which a program is able to meet the desired benefits

Business Model Canvas (BMC)

The Business Model Canvas is a tool for systematically develop new or documenting existing business models. It helps scope an organizations business model by a series of building blocks that are interdependent and influential on each other. Example.jpg Key Partners
Who are the key partners/suppliers?
What are the motivations for the partnership?

Key Activities What key activities does the value proposition require? What is the organizations key product/service?

Value Proposition What core values do the organization provide? What costumer needs are the organization satisfying?

Costumer Relationship How do the organization interact with the costumer?

Costumer Segment Which type of costumer do the organization create value for? Who is the most important customer?

Key Resources What key resources does the value proposition require? What resources are important in distribution channels, customer relationships, revenue stream…?

Distribution Channel Through which channels do the customers want to be reached? Which channels work best? How can the channels be integrated into the organizations’ and your customers’ routines?

Cost Structure What is the organization spending money on? Which key resources/activities are most expensive?

Revenue Stream For what value are the customers willing to pay? What and how do they recently pay? How would they prefer to pay? How much does every revenue stream contribute to the overall revenues?

Personal tools
