Sustainability Issue

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In order to find the solution to a problem, first of all it is needed to accept the problem as true and relevant. Although in previous years the problem of ecological impact was not known, not only the damage to the atmosphere, but also the consequences on society, nowadays, the increase of sustainability in companies’ strategy and goals provide a promising future. In this frame of reference, companies have a key role to play due to their great influence in society thanks to their campaigns based on the idea of satisfying the needs of the customer by means of the product and the whole cluster of things associated with creating, delivering and finally consuming it.

Taking into consideration sustainability requirements, it is needed a change in the field of project management from the perspective of time, budget, and quality to social, environmental, and economic [3]. The change in the paradigm of project management is one of the essentials aspects for which sustainability plays a relevant role. This change is based on moving from predictability and controllability to an environment based on flexibility, opportunity, and complexity. Considering sustainability, it requires a change of mentality from the part of the project manager, for instance, it is not only necessary to provide the expected results but also to assume the responsibility for the long-term growth of organizations and society [6]. In order to find the balance between economic knowledge, social well-being and the rational use of natural resources, sustainable development is necessary and companies are incorporating it into their respective spheres of influence. Sustainability gives to the organization a huge competitive advantage, an improvement in relations with its stakeholders to the organization and contributes to support declining resources.


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