Reflective practice

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Reflective practice is the skill of being able to monitor and evaluate one’s own behaviour and practice critically as a learning experience. By distancing oneself towards one’s own performance an increased awareness of relevancy and scope is gained. This knowledge is important as real-life situations are often messy and uninterpretable at first glance, which makes the application of systematic approaches challenging. By being in constant conversation with the context, one’s past experiences and behaviour understanding can be achieved and theories become applicable once again. Therefore it’s a crucial competence to any professional dealing with high levels of complexity or uncertainty.

By utilizing reflective practice, one moves from otherwise inexplainable professional artistry to repeatable, developable rationale. This is achieved by utilizing a constant cycle of experimentation and reflection. While drawing upon the present and past situations solutions and decisions unique to the experienced context, can be created. Through this kind of active inquiry, the professional will then move tacit knowledge, otherwise indescribable, towards conscious thought processes.

“There is a high, hard ground overlooking a swamp. On the high ground, manageable problems lend themselves to solution through the use of research-­based theory and technique. In the swampy lowlands, problems are messy and confusing and incapable of technical solutions. The irony of this situation is that the problems of the high ground tend to be relatively unimportant to individuals or society at large, however great their technical interest may be, while in the swamp lie the problems of greatest human concern.”[1]


While being an important skill for every position, like mentioned, it’s most critical in situations of high uncertainty. Traditionally developed and used in medical science and arts it's fundamentally applicable to any position where the context provides complexity beyond systematic approaches. The article will also use the term designer in a broader sense, referring to a creator. This creation could be that of a system, a product, a medical procedure, a plan or simply knowledge or understanding.

This article will cover the fundamental theory of reflective practice, its history and its application in current occupations

Big idea

Reflective practice refers to the idea of conversating with the problem faced, its context, past experiences and oneself when designing.


What is:

Professional artistry

Professional artistry is the display of immediate understanding and response from a professional when faced with a challenge in practice. What differs professional artistry from the usual systemic approach that we all perform every day, is its high level of autonomy. The use of professional artistry shown by professionals deeply invested in their field can sometimes be unconscious. A somewhat deeper integrated connection within the thought processes. Like riding a bicycle, the act may be explained in detail, but its execution requires very little conscious thinking. This artistry is enabled by what is often referred to as embodied or tacit knowledge[2].


“How can one act and reflect at the same time? How can one be concrete and immediate and still be theoretical?”[3]

Like a conversation, any interaction with a complex system, like a person, is to some extent unpredictable. In the same sense, reflective practice aims to tackle high uncertainty situations with a constant shift between experimentation and investigation. But as with language, that which is communicated conveys more than its factuality. It conveys contextual information like rules, culture, history and expression. With the knowledge of this context, we are able to decipher and shape our next inquiry. Comparing what is observed with previous experiences or collectively accumulated knowledge taught through education, we are able to steer the direction of exploration. Through reflection either in the faced situation or after, the professional can abstract her findings, compare with her repertoire of knowledge and compose an answer to this unique problem. [4]

- Knowing-in-action(Schön)/tacit knowledge(Michael Polanyi)


While the term ‘’reflective practice’’ is relatively new, it is built upon theories and ideas dating long before the ’70-’80s, when it was popularized. Donald Schön himself refers to Meno, a Socratic dialogue between Plato and Socrates, that touches upon the mysteries associated with searching for something one does not know what is.[1][5] Similarly it’s also argued that the ability to develop logic through inquiry of the unknown, is an inherent part of being human. And furthermore, our inquiry will always be based on logic determined and stated by the people before us as it is deeply integrated into our cultured upbringing. [4]

The idea of cycled experiential learning, like that presented by D. A. Kolb and R. E. Fry, and later expanded upon by G. Gibbs, gives the theory obtaining knowledge through reflection a systematic approach.[3] [6] By presenting stages of experimentation, observation, reflection and application its users where now able to accurately and systematically describe their thought-process in situations of exploration.

Inherent tie to education (Taught systematic approaches that don't work in complex real-life practices)



  1. 1.0 1.1 Educating the Reflective Practitioner, D. A. Schön. (1987)
  2. The Tacit Dimension, L. Schrijver. (2021)
  3. 3.0 3.1 Toward an applied theory of experiential learning. In C. Cooper (ed.), Theories of group processes, D. A. Kolb & R. E. Fry. (1975)
  4. 4.0 4.1 Logic, The Theory of Inquiry, J. Dewey (1938)
  5. The Meno, Plato, (W.K.C. Guthrie, trans.) (1956)
  6. Learning by Doing, A Guide to Teaching and Learning Methods, G. Gibbs(1988)


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