The style of leadership changes throughout the life cycle of a project

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"Abstract" To summarize the article different leaderships styles is necessary to apply when a succes for a project wants to be achieved.



Leadership, Leadership styles, change of leadership, characteristics of a leader.


Leadership is an essential role during a construction project or any other type of project. Construction project is often regarding a lot of different professions on different educational levels which together should reach the same goal – construction e.g. a building. As a leader it is important to be able to motivate and lead in a direction which the led will follow. The characteristic of the leader has therefor an influence on wheatear the led will follow or not. During constructing e.g. a building a lot of uncertainties will appear and therefore it is necessary for the style of leadership to change. Different factors will have influence on which style of leadership there will be necessary to apply as e.g. a high educational level expects greater deference and sensitivity. The styles of leadership has in [Winch] been divided into four different styles and as the uncertainties in a project decreases another style of leadership from the one used in the first phases should be applied.

Styles of leadership

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The life cycle

The life cycle is a description of different phases a project is going through to reach success. The phases are descriebed by [Winch] as "distinct stages, each with its own challenges and pitfalls and each requiring different skills"

Phase 1

Phase 1 will be characterized as the start-up. The startup has 3 different key task which will be elaborated. The first key task is that it is neccessary to build a team that can ensure the succes of the project and at the same time a team that can work together. The good collaboration in a team can be started by getting to know each other and thereby the different stresses that can compromise the good collaboration. To maintain the good collaboration whitin the team communication is the most important tool. When the team is created it is important as a leader to please the team and keep the members of the team inspired. The second key task in this phase it to review the project. Here the different job specifications are identified and the planing of the project is conducted. In this part of the phase the people who will be affected by the project is beared in mind and included. The third key task is to build up personal credibility with the client and other groups who has an impact on the project e.g designers.

Phase 2 This phase is divided into two; the first part is primarily buying material to perform the project. The second part of the phase is to conduct the project, this will happen alongside the buying process. As the project gradually develop different challenges will appear which will often be handled by dialogue with contractors and/or logistics. During phase 2 the relation with the people who will be affected by the project will still be maintained and also the responsibility of the welfare and collaboration within the team.

Phase 3

Phase 4

Phase 5


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