Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

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In 1940-50s Abraham Maslow developed the Hierarchy of Needs model and the Hierarchy of Needs theory that remains valid until today. It is used for better understanding human motivation, management training, and personal developments. Five -tier model of human needs is based on the hierarchical levels within the pyramid and starting from the bottom of the hierarchy the needs are psychological, safety, love and belonging needs, esteem, and self-actualization. Maslow suggested that every person has an individual set of needs and that at the particular moment behavior is driven by the the existence of strongest need. [3] Nowadays, Maslow’s ideas surrounding the Hierarchy of Needs concerning the responsibility of employers to provide a workplace environment that encourages and enables employees to fulfill their unique potential (self-actualization) are more relevant than ever. The manager should strive to fulfill the need of subordinates to provide an efficient and well-working workplace. It is also important to ensure a free flow of communication so then employees devote maximal attention towards work. The article gives an overview of general characteristics of what the Hierarchy of needs is and what all the separate levels consist of. The next part is explaining the possibility of use Maslow's theory in project, program, and portfolio management. It gives examples of improving workplace productivity and achieving the best possible productivity result within the working organization. Furthermore, exceptions and limitations will be described as well as the criticism.


Big Idea

Abraham Harold Maslow

-short summary about A.Maslow (historically)

Maslow's hierarchy of needs

The Original hierarchy of needs

1. The physiological needs

2. The safety and security needs

3. The love and belonging needs

4. The esteem needs

The expanded hierarchy of needs

1. The physiological needs

2. The safety and security needs

3. The love and belonging needs

4. The esteem needs

5. Cognitive needs

6. Aesthetic needs 7. Self-actualization needs

8. Transcendence needs


Implementation in project, program and portfolio management




Annotated bibliography


Personal tools
