Articles Spring Term 2018

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Revision as of 14:00, 6 February 2018 by Habib (Talk | contribs)

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The requirements for the articles written in previous Terms (2014, 2015, 2016, Jun 2017, 2017) were not the same as for Spring Term 2018. Please make sure you read the requirements for your own fall term carefully before starting your wiki article.

Please complete this table with your group number, full name, username and the title of your article.

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|Group Number
|First Name
|Last Name
|Link to Article

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Overview of 2018 Wiki articles

June 2017 Wiki Articles
Group number First name Second name User name Link to article
GN FN SN UN Name of your Wiki Article
GN Hoda Vazirinasab Agile project management
3 David Moya Perrino David Moya Perrino Risk Management in Renewable Energy Projects
3 Sofie Melchior Karlson s133606 Belbin's team roles
GN Sebastian Graff Daugaard Daugaard Dealing with conflict in project management
2 Mehdi Abounnasr s176504 Project monitoring methods
GN Briet Hjaltalin Briet Project governance
GN Jonas Heiberg Larsen JonasHL Risk Management Overview
GN Kornpong Mahitthiburin Akorno Financial appraisal of project proposals
GN Gudmundur Hermannsson gudmundur Project Scope Management
GN Ína Salome Sturludóttir Ina Project scope statement
GN Kevinth Balasubramaniam Kxviinth Future Workshop
GN Davide Sartori DSartori Hoshin Kanri
GN Julia Hoesel s172365 Design Thinking
2 Baptiste Hubert BaptisteH Project Management: Life Cycle in Industrial Engineering
GN Mint Rasmussen s133819 Risk Management in Construction Projects
GN Vincent Oriot s172793 Project sponsor
GN Torbjørn Aleksandersen Taleksandersen Virtual Team Management
GN Ragnhildur Ragnarsdottir Ragnhildur Brainstorming technique
GN Anne Dittmann Anne Scheduling: Critical path, PERT, Gantt
1 Julianna Apli s172414 Ideation tools
GN Hildur Gudmundsdottir S172763 Contracting and procurement
1 Christopher Søndergaard s140234 ;-)
GN Casper Geertz Christensen S136445 SWOT
GN Demir Durovic DemirDurovic Multicultural teams: opportunities and challenges
GN Lorenz Sieferle s172691 Agile Project Management with SCRUM
GN Jonas Greaker Sjøen s173562 Integrated Design Process (IDP)
GN Seyed (Habib) Bahrami Habib Uniqueness of a project
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