Portfolio Value Management Resources

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Best Resources

According to our criteria of credible, usable, relevant; this resource has been selected as the best pic for this area of project management.

Title: Portfolio Value Management - The Standard for Portfolio Management

Author: PMI

Description: Chapter 7 of The Standard for Portfolio Management introduces the value concept from a portfolio perspective. The chapter first illustrates the definition of value management and its dependency from the context. Then it describes the main components of value management. Furthermore the chapter explains how to negotiate the expected value and how to maximise, assure, realise, measure and report this value.

Link to the resource: https://ebookcentral-proquest-com.proxy.findit.dtu.dk/lib/DTUDK/detail.action?docI D=5180852

Title: Valuation methods in Project Portfolio Optimization - Focus on Real Options

Author: Wilfried Genier

Description: This wiki article presents different valuation techniques to support decisions in Project Portfolio Management. The article introduces the concept of Project Portfolio Optimisation (PPO) and the classical valuation methods for single projects. Furthermore, it introduces the Real Options approach to select the right projects for a portfolio. Finally it provides a simplified model of the Real Options method.

Link to the resource: Valuation methods in Project Portfolio Optimization - Focus on Real Options

Title: Value Management in Project Portfolios: Identifying and Assessing Strategic Value

Author: Catherine P. Killen

Description: In this article the value added by a project by a non-commercial perspective is analysed. In particular it describes how to identify and assess the strategic value of a project portfolio, introducing different dimension of the strategic value and adding these non commercial aspect to previous used frameworks. Further researches are also proposed.

Link to the resource: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/265646588_Value_Management_in_Project_Portfolios_Identifying_and_Assessing_Strategic_Value


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